At AVOTM You Are Never Too Late to Start Again

Almaden Valley Orators Invite Members and Guests to a New Beginnings Event

San Jose, CA, May 27, 2010 -- The Almaden Valley Orators, a local Toastmasters club, invites the local community and the press to its New Beginnings Open House, a free event on Thursday, June 3rd, at the Santa Clara Valley Water District, from 12:00 pm to 1:15 pm.

After the massive lay-offs and foreclosures, the Almaden Valley Orators officers decided to create an event to boost local morale and to offer ideas on how to make a new start. With speeches by Katy Fisk, Office Manager and HR, Movaris Division of Trintech, Inc. and guest speaker Mariana Pabon, CEO of Mint-SF, this event will shed some light on the hiring market and how to brand yourself as a professional in 2010.

"However, our open house is actually tailored to satisfy the largest variety of guests as possible, with the type of information that is aimed at empowering people in general, not restricted to the workplace. As a matter of fact, the Almaden Valley Orators TM club is the ideal place to network and feel the pulse of the Silicon Valley community, often finding relevant, intelligent and resourceful ideas", explains Karina Goldrajch, Almaden Valley Orators' president.

Once a guest decides to join the Almaden Valley Orators, he or she will receive an assigned, private mentor to assist with the first assignments. While it may take one or two weeks for new members to receive the first leadership and communication manuals in the mail, they can right to use the AVOTM website and blog, where they are able to connect with the Toastmasters' online platform (Easy Speak).

For the tech savvy, and especially because we are in Silicon Valley, AVOTM members receive e-mail alerts through Yahoo Groups and via the Wordpress Blog subscription option. Members can also check for updates on the AVOTM Twitter page, the AVOTM Facebook fan page, the LinkedIn group and the YouTube Channel with speeches delivered by members and accomplished public speakers.

For reasons of convenience, regular meetings are held during the lunch hour, between noon and 1:15 pm, on the 1st , 3rd (and 5th) Thursdays of every month, at the Administration Building of the Santa Clara Valley Water District, Room B108. For additional information, please visit

About Toastmasters International and the Almaden Valley Orators Club
Since it's founding in 1924, Toastmasters International has helped men and women develop their public speaking skills and become confident communicators at work, at home, and at social events. Headquartered in Southern California, the non-profit organization now has approximately 211,000 members and 10,500 clubs in 90 countries. For more information about Toastmasters International, please visit For more information about the Almaden Valley Orators club, visit

Web/blog:  Twitter: YouTube: Facebook: (Search for Almaden Valley Orators)  LinkedIn: (Search for Almaden Valley Orators TM under "Groups") GoogleMaps:  E-mail: [email protected]


Tags: AVOTM, event, toastmasters

About Almaden Valley Orators TM

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Paul Hebert
Press Contact, Almaden Valley Orators TM
Almaden Valley Orators TM
5750 Almaden Expressway
Administration Bldg. Room B108