At The Height of the "Obesity Epidemic" Provides Support for Large-Size People launches a social networking and information website to provide support on all the important issues that impact large-size people. ( launches a social networking and information website to provide support on all the important issues that impact large-size people. Featuring news, comprehensive information on health and wellness, social concerns, and daily living, the website also hosts user directed forums and discussion groups, featured bloggers, and an opportunity to find goods and services specifically for the often overlooked community.

Founder and CEO, Rebecca Weinstein, a lawyer, social worker, technology pioneer, and person of size, explains, " is an online community that provides information, support, and interaction for people of size. We are not a diet site, though health and fitness are part of what we address. The e-community focuses on all aspects of life, from medical to fashion, relationships to daily living, entertainment to emotional well being."

Ms. Weinstein continues; "this is a very exciting project, the first of its kind and very much needed. Large-size people are bombarded with negative and often frightening information, telling them that their bodies and lifestyles are bad. It is counterproductive for healthy living and a full and happy life. We support large-size people in the ways they need to be supported. Offering a positive community geared toward good physical, mental, emotional, and social health."

Building a community on facebook for several months at, a supportive group has emerged that shares everything from their hopes and fears to tips for being healthy at every size. "We have very much become a surrogate family. There is deep concern between the participants. Regardless of personal goals and the ups and downs of life, the community is there to offer a caring ear and guiding hand. With the website launch we can grow our community exponentially and offer many more features. It is about time people of size had a place to feel safe, supported, and appreciated. I couldn't be more thrilled about what is happening now, and our plans for age appropriate sites for kids and teens in the future," concluded Weinstein.

For more information visit Email at [email protected] or call 1-866-978-9966.


Tags: diet, exercise, FAT, fitness, Health, Nutrition, obesity, weight, weight gain, weight loss


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Rebecca Weinstein
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Portland, ME 04102