ATL Events Group Reviews 2017's Biggest Wins
SMYRNA, GA , December 22, 2017 ( - There were plenty of successful moments for ATL Events Group in 2017, which makes it an easy year to celebrate. Brandon D., the firm’s Director of Operations, stated, “This has been a year of remarkable growth for our team and our company as a whole. Everything we’ve achieved during 2017 has given us even more optimism for a record-breaking 2018.”
Travel events dotted the ATL Events Group calendar throughout 2017. Brandon remarked, “We went to several national conferences, including four trips to Dallas. Selected top performers also attended an all-expenses-paid trip to Punta Cana that offered amazing networking opportunities along with lots of fun in the sun. We were also honored to contribute to the Hurricane Harvey relief effort.”
"This has been a year of remarkable growth for our team and our company as a whole. Everything we've achieved during 2017 has given us even more optimism for a record-breaking 2018."
Brandon, Director of Operations
Steady growth set the tone for ATL Events Group this year. Along with the promotion of a new director of marketing, the company also saw internal expansion through the building of a new conference room. “More space to collaborate means even more innovative campaigns for the brands we represent,” added Brandon, who won the president’s club award as part of the firm’s winning 2017.
ATL Events Group’s Director of Operations on Ambitious Goals for Next Year
Goal setting is a point of emphasis at all levels of ATL Events Group. The Director explained, “Our prevailing attitude is that we can’t afford to maintain the status quo, no matter how good things look at any given moment. We operate in a highly competitive marketplace, so we’re always setting the bar a bit higher than our last winning result. By putting clear objectives in place, we can measure our progress and make the right adjustments to accelerate our efforts.”
An atmosphere of support helps team members make good on their most aggressive targets. Brandon commented, “We encourage our promotional experts to share their goals with each other. With a little extra accountability, they make faster progress while inspiring their teammates to elevate their games.”
As 2017 ends, company leaders have high aims for the year to come. The Director concluded, “We’re ready to keep the positive momentum going right through 2018. Our plans are to expand into 10 new markets and add at least two new brands to our portfolio.”
About ATL Events Group, Inc.
ATL Events Group achieves measurable growth that blows the competition out of the water. By researching targeted markets, designing event-based campaigns, and optimizing their efforts, the team builds excitement about established and emerging companies alike. The results they generate include higher product visibility and conversion rates, as well as increases in return business. The firm’s consistent results have led to more demand for their services. As a result, the firm is growing rapidly. To find out more, visit
Source: ATL Events
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