Atlanta Based PR Firm, ThinkZILLA, Launches New Diversity Marketing Services in Atlanta and Beyond

Atlanta based marketing and public relations company, ThinkZILLA, is proud to be the first niche focused diversity marketing firm based in the area. Velma  Trayham, the founder and CEO of ThinkZilla, says the move towards diversity marketing is in response to changing trends in the marketing industry.

Diversity Marketing is employed by any business seeking to reach new customers in different racial, ethnic, cultural, or social groups. It is particularly important when interacting with the global marketplace, as audiences in different countries rarely respond to the same message in the same way. Meanwhile, as the domestic market becomes more diverse, more companies are adopting diversity marketing tactics such as McDonald's, Proctor and Gamble, Target, Saturn, and Harley Davidson to name a few.

When asked to define diversity marketing. It is a marketing strategy that delivers a message that includes, and appeals to diverse groups.

Velma Trayham, CEO

When asked to define diversity marketing, Trayham said “It is a marketing strategy that delivers a message that includes, and appeals to diverse groups. The delivery system involves the use of different methods beyond traditional radio and TV ads. Multiple marketing channels, including community engagement,  social media platforms, digital strategy are determined by such factors as ethnicity, age, race and gender, religious beliefs and cultural norms.”

Trayham says “ThinkZILLA is proud to offer an array of proprietary services to help brands compete in today's ever-evolving marketplace with located in  Atlanta, Ga and servicing beyond. The population of Atlanta is a melting pot, and we have one of the busiest airports in the country. This makes the city of Atlanta one of the most diverse areas of the country. With such a large population at any given time, we create diversity initiatives with an impact that make a lasting and positive impression.”

Trayham added that “our website,, displays our diversity division for all to see. The content explains diversity marketing in language that is easily understood by marketing experts as well as those looking to learn more about the subject.” She went on to say “diverse is the best word to describe consumers these days. These customers make buying decisions based on the values of the area of the country in which they live and their family. Our marketing team has found that advertising and branding focused on the values of diverse groups makes more of an impact than simply putting all consumers into one large group. We have become the experts which allow us to speak to a wide range of customers rather than targeting one specific group.”

For more information about diversity marketing, or to schedule a free brand assessment consultation, contact ThinkZILLA at 888-509-1145.

Source: Thinkzilla Consulting Group


Tags: African American Marketing firm, Atlanta diversity Firm, Atlanta Marketing Agency, Diversity and Inclusion, Diversity Marketing, Thinkzilla, Velma Trayham

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