Attorney & Best-Selling Real Estate Author William Bronchick Reveals Important Pitfalls About Real Estate Issues in Divorce

Most attorneys do it wrong - don't get caught in this trap!

William Bronchick

Bestselling author, real-estate maestro and attorney, William ‘Bill’ Bronchick has shared another eye-opening post on his informative website that reveals dangerous pitfalls when dealing with real estate in a divorce or separation.

William Bronchick is a real estate attorney with over 27 years’ experience and in a recent post on his website, he has revealed the dangerous pitfalls when dealing with real estate in a divorce or separation.

"As part of a divorce settlement or separation agreement, it is common for one spouse to receive title to the marital residence. In most cases, both parties signed the original mortgage note. What few people realize is that transferring title does not remove your obligation on the loan!"

William Bronchick, President

“With this article, I am playing a role in raising awareness and protecting a lot of people because many people don’t realize what can happen when you don’t protect yourself when dividing up real estate in a divorce or settlement agreement,” said Attorney Bronchick. Besides being a seasoned and well-respected attorney, he is also bestselling real estate author of six books.

Unlike most successful attorneys and experts, Bill does not charge any money to share knowledge through this website. His goal is to get the maximum education and awareness to the general public without charging them anything.  He also offers training and publications on real estate investing, his forte’ as an attorney.

To read this latest article by William Bronchick, please visit the link below:

To find out more about Bill, please visit his website: 

Source: Bronchick & Associates, PC


Tags: divorce, liability, loan, mortgage, real estate, separation