Aurora Responds To Atlanta Public Schools Cheating Scandal

Aurora Day School Steps Up In Support of Students and Parents With Additional Openings At North Fulton and Tucker Locations

In response to the recent cheating scandal within the Atlanta Public Schools System, Aurora Day School is stepping up to address the crisis and parent's concerns about their children's education by making their accredited K-12 High School Degree program more easily available. Aurora has made available a number of additional seats for every grade. The flexible schedule and curriculum accelerates learning for all students - regardless of ability or learning type.

Aurora Day School is fully accredited by the Georgia Accrediting Commission. Students range from 6 years through 21 years of age. Aurora produces statistically significant results working with children using individualized, therapeutic instruction plans created to strengthen - and often re-map - neural pathways; creating a strong foundation for higher education. Two to six years of measurable subject area and skill gains are typical
in one year. Equally important, students discover successful paths to lifelong learning.

"The enrollment process is simple and straight forward," said Matt Tarpley, Headmaster at the Tucker Campus. "The application for enrollment is relatively brief. Once this is completed and turned in, an evaluation of the student and an initial meeting with our Funding Solutions office are scheduled. The entire process has been accelerated and can realistically be completed in a matter of days."

"As a service to the community, Aurora has made accommodations to fast-track 50 additional students in time for the Fall Term and is providing a significantly reduced tuition program at the locations in Tucker and North Fulton for kids currently enrolled in the
Atlanta Public Schools," said Kellie Huff, Aurora's founder.

With a completed application, an initial evaluation and a consult with Aurora's Funding Solutions Coordinator (by August 1st), every qualified student (up to the 50 openings total) will be accepted and enrolled by August 15th, 2011, the first day of classes at Aurora.

You can learn more about Aurora Day School at smallschoolsbigresultsDOTcom

For additional information, please contact Kellie Huff, Founder/CEO, Aurora Strategies, Inc. and the Aurora Day School at 404-377-8882 or [email protected]

About Aurora Strategies and the Aurora Day School

Aurora accelerates learning for children and adults of all abilities. Aurora produces statistically significant results working with children who have sensory, motor, social, communications & language and other learning challenges. Aurora offers new hope for families of children, grades K - 12, who have struggled to succeed in other schools. Proven, neuroscience-based strategies shed light on where and why students are struggling. Then, individualized, therapeutic instruction plans are created to strengthen - and often re-map - neural path¬ways; creating a strong foundation for higher education. Two to six years of measurable subject area and skill gains are typical in one year. Equally important, students discover successful paths to lifelong learning. Aurora Day School is fully accredited by the Georgia Accrediting Commission. Find out more about Aurora Strategies and the Aurora Day School at aurorastrategiesDOTcom.

Kellie Huff, Founder/CEO, Aurora Strategies, Inc. and the Aurora Day School
3776 LaVista Road; Suite 200
Tucker, GA, USA 30084
[email protected]

Media contact:
Bill Aragon
[email protected]

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Tags: accelerated learning, Atlanta Public Schools, Autism, Cheating Scandal, community-service, Kellie Huff, Learning Challenges, special needs

About Aurora Strategies, Inc.

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Bill Aragon
Press Contact, Aurora Strategies, Inc.
Aurora Strategies, Inc.
3776 LaVista Road Suite 200
Tucker, GA 30084
United States