Auslogics Software Confirms: Computer Optimization Improves Online Gaming Experience
Online, March 2, 2011 ( - The positive effects of optimizing computers with Auslogics BoostSpeed v.5 have been confirmed by noticeable improvements in the performance and user experience for the tested games. Auslogics Software and AsiaSoft conducted a research to determine how optimising computers can improve online gaming experience and eliminate common problems such as lag, unresponsiveness and latency spikes.
The goal of the study was to determine positive effects of optimizing computers with a popular computer optimization program Auslogics BoostSpeed v.5 for gaming purposes. The study was designed to establish the effectiveness of using Auslogics BoostSpeed v.5 to improve gaming experience by comparing the most common game performance factors for optimized and non-optimized computers.
The tests were run on three computers with specifications considered to be typical for consumer systems used for non-professional gaming with the Windows XP Professional system. First the games were played on non-optimized computers and game performance was analyzed from the end user point of view. Then the test computers were optimized with Auslogics BoostSpeed v. 5, all games were played again, and test results were recorded and compared.
AsiaSoft tested the following games: MapleStory - a popular 2D fantasy game with more than 70 million accounts, Audition - a multiplayer online dance competition game, RayCity - a multiplayer online car racing game, Sudden Attack - a fast-paced tactical multiplayer online game. All the mentioned games use advanced graphics that take up a lot of system resources and require planning, quick thinking and even quicker action of the player.
The positive effects of optimizing computers with Auslogics BoostSpeed have been confirmed by noticeable improvements in the performance and user experience for the tested games. Optimization resulted in faster and smoother gameplay, as lag, glitches, and latency spikes were eliminated and frame rate was improved.
Auslogics BoostSpeed v.5 is a high-end computer optimization and maintenance suite that has all the necessary tools to keep user computers running fast and error-free. . The program includes 18 tools that allow users to perform a full system diagnosis and automatically resolve all issues that affect their PC performance. Advantages at a glance: top quality, user-friendly tools, effectiveness proven by tests, innovative optimization techniques, extensive list of features, international availability.
Tags: computer, gaming, Software