Austin Board of REALTORS® selects gomembers-MLS integrated

ABoR has selected gomembers for its management software. They will be integrating with MLS.

[Oakbrook, IL]¬¬¬-gomembers Inc. ( announces that Austin Board of REALTORS® ( has selected gomembers® solution Q® 3.1.

Austin Board of REALTORS® "has learned from and worked with thousands of REALTOR® members to provide the best business resources available. From our charter membership, ABoR has grown to an active membership of more than 9,500."

"Austin Board of REALTORS® is a recognized leader in the real estate industry. We are honored to partner with ABoR, and look forward to assisting the organization to expand into numerous areas of operating and member services benefits", said Paul Plaia III, gomembers' President and CEO.

Q is a scalable, dynamic and upgradeable association management system. Developed with Microsoft's .NET Framework, Q provides the technology that associations need to manage their business process. With a full suite of browser-based relationship management modules integrated with Q-Commerce's online transaction toolkit and Microsoft Dynamics GP®, business applications, Q is the complete solution.

Also, as an added web service, Austin Board of REALTORS® will not only have National REALTORS® Database System (NRDS) integrated into Q, but Multiple Listing Services (MLS) as well.
Plaia added, "Today real estate associations are moving beyond transaction processing into dynamic member based content management systems, intranets and social networks. Through gomembers web services integration, the Austin Board of REALTORS® will be empowered to bridge the transactional member database of the association to external dynamic content."

For more information on gomembers solutions, visit For any questions, contact gomembers via email at: [email protected] or by phone at 888-288-4634.


Tags: associaiton management software, membership management, MLS

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