Australian Author Uses Crowdsourcing To Raise Funds To Self Publish Book

Author Johanna Baker-Dowdell is using Australian crowdsourcing site Pozible to gain funding to self publish her upcoming book Business & Baby on Board.

Johanna is seeking $7500 in pledges to pay for editing, the book cover design and publishing 1000 copies of her book by September 24. Those pledging money to support Johanna's project can choose from a number of rewards, including signed copies of the finished book, a media release written by Johanna or even a VIP round table Mumpreneur Bootcamp session presented by Johanna.

Check out Johanna's Pozible project at for a full list of rewards and interviewees.

Business & Baby on Board is a business book with a difference - it covers all the standard topics an aspiring entrepreneur needs to cover such as market research, business registration, taxation and marketing, but told from a business mum's perspective, Johanna explained.

"I have interviewed some amazing female entrepreneurs who are also mothers, like Janine Allis from Boost Juice, Carolyn Cresswell from Carman's Muesli, Noami Simson from Red Balloon and author Kaz Cooke," she said.

Each business mum talks about her area of expertise, but also shares her own story of how she got started in business.

"I feel very privileged to be able to share the stories of these inspiring women and know their advice and stories will support and motivate new and existing business mums," Johanna said.

Johanna has been running her own business, Strawberry Communications, for five years and wrote the book she thought she needed when she started out.

"There are more than a million small businesses in Australia and many of these businesses are run by mothers who are trying to create the lifestyle they want with their family while contributing to the family income at the same time," she said.

Business & Baby on Board is an informative how-to guide for business start-ups, but with inspiration and extra tips to help mums who want to have the family, the business and the lifestyle - and be successful at all three.

For more information about Business & Baby on Board visit:
Facebook page:


Tags: book, business & baby on board, Johanna baker-dowdell, Pozible, self-publishing

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Johanna Baker-Dowdell
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Launceston TAS