Austrian terminator TelCo AT integrates TELES billing and switching solution

International termination and value added service provider TelCo AT successfully utilizes TELES next generation network solution for flexible and robust wholesale switching, billing, and superior international service number routing.

Vienna-based international termination and value added service provider TelCo AT has selected TELES, the German Next Generation Networks and Access Gateway vendor, to supply them with a flexible routing and billing solution. The TELES solution incorporates a fully redundant Softswitch (MGC), media gateways plus the new WTP platform; which carries out billing, routing automisation and margin optimization. The switch is based in Frankfurt.

TelCo AT's Head of Service, Tom Huther, described the reason for selecting TELES: "Our criteria were firstly that the system should have the routing capabilities for our business area; in addition, we also required a service package that matched our specific requirements; and thirdly that the system would be flexible enough to allow us to incorporate third party applications. TELES were the only vendor able to meet all of these criteria - making the decision an easy one in the end."

TELES Regional Sales Director, Mariusz Cyganek, was delighted that TELES were able to match TelCo AT's full requirements: "Luckily, our expertise in wholesale billing applications proved to be a decisive factor, as well as the fact that our solutions are flexible when it comes to integrating third party applications; it's a simple case of plug-and-play."

TelCo AT's CEO agrees: "The TELES solution has a simple easy-to-use interface which works seamlessly with third party applications. This gives us a major advantage when it comes to making changes; which we can now do ourselves without having to go via the operator first."


Tags: CDMA, NGN, Softswitch, UMTS, voip

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TELES AG Informationstechnologien