Author Coach Ian Scott Launches a New Book of Quotes to Inspire & Motivate

Mankind has long known the influence that mere words can have upon other human beings. Words have been used to move people to follow a cause, whether for good or ill.

Chorley, Lancashire, United Kingdom. - Words - they have the power to make us happy or sad, laugh or cry, empower or immobilize, encourage or discourage. The power to produce such results through the use of words, is granted to all of us each and every day through either the written or spoken word!

Mankind has long known the influence that mere words can have upon other human beings. Words have been used to move people to follow a cause, whether for good or ill. The advertising world effectively uses words to evoke certain feelings that will cause people to purchase a particular product or service. Movie - goers are persuaded by film reviews as to whether they will see the latest blockbuster movie or not...and on the list could go.

One specific example of the power of words, is through reading and recalling favorite inspirational or motivational quotes uttered or written by Biblical or historical figures across history.

Quotes to Inspire & Motivate, January 19, 2010, 978-1450539210 , $9.99 provides 320 of such quotes designed to lift our spirits and give us direction and perspective during our work-a-day life!

Why do we enjoy reading or using quotes in speeches and other situations so much?

The answer to that question is probably different for each person that would volunteer an answer. But part of the answer for all, is that, we find in the words of the quotes we use, a meaning that we at the time just can't seem to articulate, but find some connection with on a deeper level.

For professional speakers and authors, the use of quotes are often used to either reinforce a point, or as a teaching technique, or to inspire and motivate their audience in some way.

Others who use quotes, often employ them as a means of gaining a fresh perspective on a life issue, or as a source of encouragement in moments of gloom.

Whatever the reason we have for using quotes, they are a time tested source of insight and wisdom, a resource that the world never seems to tire of.

For further information and to request a review copy or excerpt of Quotes to Inspire & Motivate, please contact:

Coach Ian Scott
Tel: +44 (0)7906 912278
Email: [email protected]


Tags: author releases new book, Book Launch, quotes to inspire and motivate

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9 Mackay Croft
The Highlanders, CHORLEY, Lancashire , United Kingdom