Author Hopes to Help Others Heal

Author Cintra Best shares her personal story about overcoming fear and anger in her book Enlighten My Senses.

Author Cintra Best shares her personal story about overcoming fear and anger in her book Enlighten My Senses. Published by Halo Publishing International Enlighten My Senses is about her journey to open her heart and her life.

"After my mom died in 1995 when I was 27, my world turned upside down," Best said. An adopted, only child, Cintra's father had already died when she was only 12. She felt lost and alone without her mother. "I became emotionally and physically ill. I had panic attacks where I couldn't leave the house."

"Enlighten My Senses is the accumulative story of all the steps I took to heal myself and my heart," said the author. It walks the reader down a path that shows how our history, heritage and emotions affect our well-being. It guides them to look inside and outside, step-by-step, to help and bring light to areas they might not have been aware of. One of the chapters, titled Mirror, Mirror on the Wall, is about deep reflection. "Get ready for a whole new way to look at and improve your world," Best said.

Halo Publishing International ( ) Publisher Lisa Umina said Enlighten My Senses is a self-improvement book that will help readers discover what is inside. "It is a personal story about a journey for a healthier, happier life."

Best grew up in Colorado where she was raised in a Baptist church and school. Currently, she lives in Wilsonville, Nebraska in a 1916 home she and her husband, Steve, restored as the Wild Turkey Inn. Best has a Bachelor's and Doctorate degrees in Natural Health and coaches and writes about self-help worldwide. Her column, "Holistic Corner," is on her blog and she is working on a second book.

She hopes Enlighten My Senses will open the minds, hearts and visions of readers. " I hope it will change their perceptions. Then they will have more compassion for themselves and then others and maybe get to know themselves better."

To reach author Cintra Best, e-mail her at [email protected] or visit . To order Enlighten My Senses visit

Press & Media Contact:
Lisa M. Umina, Publisher
Halo Publishing International
AP #726 / P.O. Box 60326
Houston, TX 77205-0326 - USA
[email protected]


Tags: Enlighten My Senses, overcome anger, overcome fear, personal story, self improvement book

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