Author Jamila Diallo Publishes Ebook''You Don't Learn That In School '' Amid Rising School Drop Out Rates.

Author and resident,Jamila Diallo has published ''You don't learn that in school'', a self help ebook about the 4 basic life skills that are never taught in school.

Every year in America,1.3 million students drop out of high school , at a pace of 3 500 per day. Most dropouts feel that what they are taught in school is irrelevant to their lives.The bottom line is that, contrary to popular belief, school does not prepare for life. It is every individual's role to make sure they fill in the gaps and rise to the challenges that await them.
That is why Jamila Diallo wrote ''You don't learn that in school'',available at Smashwords.
Readers will be able to learn those crucial skills :
- how to manage the mind
- how to appreciate life more
- how to raise their self esteem
- how to be successful.

About Smashwords
Launched in 2008, Smashwords is an ebook publishing and distribution platform serving authors, publishers, readers and retailers. Smashwords makes it free and easy for any author or publisher, anywhere in the world, to instantly publish and distribute a multi-format ebook.
Smashwords has distribution relationships with leading online retailers such as Amazon, Barnes & Noble and Sony, and leading mobile e-reading apps such as Stanza, Kobo, Aldiko, FBReader and Word-Player, spanning all major mobile platforms including Android and iPhone.Website
About Jamila Diallo
Jamila Diallo used to be a straight A student who loved school. She loved learning and everything was fine until she reached college. She realized that she had merely been stuffing her mind with knowledge that made no difference in her daily life, but knew nothing about her mind.Since the school system was not delivering the answers she needed, she decided to go out in search of them.She is passionate about helping other people learn those life changing skills too. She lives in Jeddah,Saudi Arabia.Here's the link to her book page, where you can sample or buy the book: her Smashwords author profile
Website: her on Facebook:!/pages/YOU-DON-T-LEARN-THAT-IN-SCHOOL/356885461998.
Follow her on Twitter
Contact: Janabikad at yahoo dot fr.


Tags: books, publishing, self help

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