Author Recommends Flirting to Attract New Customers!

Is flirting in business dead? A big resounding "NO," says Ben Angel, author of the new controversial book, 'Sleeping Your Way to The Top in Business - The Ultimate Guide to Attracting & Seducing More Customers.'

Is flirting in business dead?

A big resounding "NO," says Ben Angel, author of the new controversial book, 'Sleeping Your Way to The Top in Business - The Ultimate Guide to Attracting & Seducing More Customers.'

This double sided book prominently features a pink condom and a birth control pill packet on either side. Ben's message is clear, "Sleep your way to the top in business by seducing your customers via various means, including but not limited too; dressing seductively, flirting, instigating conversation, inciting controversy and having the balls to stand out from
the crowd regardless of what the critics say."

Angel goes onto say, "The spark has been lost in the business sector. It's time to inject an element of surprise and fun back into the game and that includes flirting!" Ben continues to say, "Flirting shortcuts the relationship building process. People automatically jump to the assumption that flirting is about sex but flirting is by definition the art of play
without serious intent. It is the way that we connect with one another on a deeper and more profound level. Forget the superficial stuff, that will only get you so far. This is about connecting on a real and personable platform that is memorable. You'd find it hard pressed to find an individual that has
never used flirting to influence someone in their life."

Ben discusses this technique in chapter 7 in the 300 page book where he also reveals that there are four different types of networkers; The Politician, The Tart, The Town Bike and the Labrador. It begs the question, what else is between the sheets of this somewhat mysterious business book!?

For more information on, Sleeping Your Way to The Top in Business, visit


Tags: Ben Angel, Business, customer

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