Author Says 2400-Year-Old Temple and Vase Art From Greece Depicted Adam, Cain, Noah, and Other Genesis Figures

Greek religious art boasted of mankind's post-Flood victory over Noah and his God, writes historian and author Robert Bowie Johnson, Jr.

Solving Light Books announced today the release of "Genesis Characters and Events in Ancient Greek Art", by Robert Bowie Johnson, Jr. The book presents a pictorial history of the human race, painted and sculpted two-and-a-half millennia ago by artists who knew their subjects — their ancestors and the key events in mankind's history — far better than we had ever realized. 

The book includes over 150 color images of ancient art, taking the reader from Greek depictions of the serpent-entwined apple tree in the ancient garden, through images of Cain killing Abel on the Parthenon, to images (and the identity) of the Cain-woman who came through the Flood as Ham's wife — and beyond — to her instigation of the post-Flood rebellion against Noah, and her often-depicted celebration of the victory of the way of Cain, and her ultimate glorification by the Greeks as Athena. 

"The hallmark of a healthy humanity is a genuine connection to the truth of our historical identity. History, simply put, is what happened. This is exactly what ancient Greek artists communicated to their then-living audience, and now to us."

Robert Bowie Johnson, Jr., Author

According to the book, the Greek gods look exactly like humans because they are humans — our ancestors from Genesis who turned away from God, welcoming the serpent's "enlightenment,"  and putting their man-centered Greek religious system in place. 

The astounding revelations within the book are sure to impact the evolutionism/creation debate, as now we have the exact same story of human origins documented from opposite spiritual standpoints. 

Available at Amazon in paperback and Kindle. Please see 


Robert Bowie Johnson, Jr. is a life-long writer, graduate of West Point, and an infantry veteran Viet Nam. He is also the author of "The Parthenon Code: Mankind's History in Marble" (translated into French and Greek), "Noah in Ancient Greek Art," and the MP4/DVD, "The Serpent's Side of Eden."

Media Contacts:

Robert Bowie Johnson, Jr.
[email protected]
410.757.4630  c. 410.279.5651

Source: Solving Light Books


Tags: Athena, Cain, Genesis, Greek Art, Nimrod, Noah

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