Auto Survey to find "attraction to company's culture" by Options Executive Search and Knowience Insights.

Attraction to company culture a primary factor in employer preference in automotive industry. Toyota the most preferred next employer as per online survey among engineering job seekers in the industry

An online survey conducted among engineering job seekers in the automotive industry between 13th and 18th December 2009 has found that attraction to company culture plays the most dominant part in a job seeker's preference of a future employer. While the job seekers were divided about their most preferred future employer, irrespective of the company they voted for, the company culture was a major decision making factor.

The online survey, conducted for Hyderabad based Options Executive Search, one of India's most globally active search firms, by Knowience Insights, an online research firm, also found Toyota with 21% preference to be the most preferred future employer, followed by three Indian companies viz., Tata Motors (15%), Maruti (14%) and Mahindra & Mahindra (8%). However, in the top 3 employer preferences, Tata Motors (15.6%) found more mentions than Toyota (14.3%).

Interestingly, apart from culture, the top 4 companies stood for different things in the minds of the job seekers who responded to the survey.
1. Tata Motors was preferred because of following reasons
• Growth prospects
• Company reputation
• Respect for the employee
• Brand
2. Toyota for
• Quality
• Company reputation
• Systems
• Product
3. Maruti for
• Brand
• Growth prospects
• Company reputation
• Product
4. Mahindra & Mahindra for
• Growth prospects
• Salary
• Company reputation
• Brand

Also according to the survey, an opportunity in a city/town of one's choice is the single biggest trigger for considering a job change.

This survey also threw up an interesting facet of how the core engineering professionals are approaching their career. If the nineties and a better part of the decade of 2000 drew the engineering professionals to IT, it appears that recognition is finally coming in the core manufacturing sector for these professionals. Given the job seekers' attraction towards 'the company culture' meant that companies should spend a lot more time selling the work culture to prospective employees than anything else.

About Options Executive Search

Started in the year 1992 in Hyderabad, Options Executive Search has grown to be one of India's most globally active search firms by providing a personalized touch to the professional service of finding the right person for every job, by ensuring the right job for every person. Built on strong ethics of long-term client relationships and quality search services with emphasis on uncompromising thoroughness, integrity, confidentiality and delivery, Options takes the time to listen, understand and match specific position prerequisites and company cultural compatibilities.

About Knowience Insights

Knowience Insights is a young Indian company that specializes in Internet-based research services. Knowience provides critical customer insights to its clients through customised research - strategic and tactical - deployed over the Internet. Knowience is backed by founders with over 45 years of experience in customer relationship and over 9 years of experience in the Internet domain.


Tags: Auto survey., careers, job search

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