Automated Proposals Too Good To Refuse

The folks at are rolling out all of the stops by introducing new software to make writing SEO, PPC and SEM proposals enterprise-ready. phpProposal is a nifty new software designed for doing the job fast and winning the sale.

Although the company is formally launching this week, co-developers, William Cross and Steve Gerencser stated the company did a "quiet release from their customer base" in February and already have many very happy customers using the phpProposal software tool. Gerencser also said, "It worked so well that the company chose to develop additional features and offer the application to Internet marketers who are interested in a search engine optimization, pay per click and search engine marketing proposal creation platform.

"Good proposals don't have to cost more," says Gerencser.

The good news is that the majority of our clients believe that a simple concise proposal is usually the most effective," says Gerencser. "An overdesigned proposal is like a cartoon, with hard-to-understand logos and legends." William Cross agrees: "Firms waste thousands of dollars pleasing themselves. Our software gets to the point and gives marketers what they need to present to their clients. Show your prospective clients you know what they need--without going overboard."
Phpproposals is a compact, turnkey software tool that will create proposals for individual SEO, PPC, or a combination of both types of campaign.

Benefits of using phpProposal
• You can write a proposal quickly.
• It only requires basic data.
• It is user friendly.
• Your employees can easily use it.
• Frees up your time.
• You can customize templates for total control.
• Fully customizable to your websites look and feel.
• Client can access and view your proposal.
• You can choose PDF and HTML output of proposals.
• You installation the software in less than a minute.

What is a Proposal?
They can be expensive but are a necessary part of conducting business. The very word, proposal conjures up a state of combined stress and optimism--and a financial hit roughly equivalent to the cost of a good diamond. How can you be sure that your firm's proposal will be accepted?
Proposals today are far more sophisticated than they were even five years ago, reflecting trends toward keener competition, cheap desktop technology, and smarter clients.

For every successful proposal sent to a potential customer, five others are assigned to the client's trash can.

Usually a potential client asks a vendor for a price for a piece of work. It is:
• A sales presentation
• A negotiation instrument
• A basis for project works
• A basis for project costs.
But most importantly, the customer has asked you for assistance, and a proposal is therefore a valuable marketing opportunity that should be taken full advantage of.

How can proposals be made better?
Proposal writing is, unfortunately, poor in the SEO, PPC and SEM industry. Keep it short and tight. Good proposals are concise--an attribute appreciated by owners for both time-saving and clarity. Overly long proposals can backfire, betraying a lack of preparation.

The developers of phpProposal software advise to keep your proposal streamlined and to the point without blowing the budget, while addressing the client's most important concerns.

Visit for a free demo of this state of the art software.


Tags: ppc proposal, search engine marketing proposal, search engine optimization propo, sem proposal, seo campaigns, seo proposal, seo proposal sample, seo proposals, seo software

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2872 Union Light Rd
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