Automated system of calculations for the power stations "MES-T2 2010"

Firm InformSystem (Russia) has developped the innovation self-adjusted MES-system for THE POWER STATIONS: "MES-T2 2010" v.6.310.03 for the minute and half-hour calculations in THE REAL TIME of technical and economic factors (TEF)...

Firm InformSystem (Russia) has developped the innovation self-adjusted MES-system for THE POWER STATIONS: "MES-T2 2010" v.6.310.03 for the minute and half-hour calculations in THE REAL TIME of technical and economic factors (TEF) with the subsequent integral calculus of the excessive fuel consumption and other TEF in the twenty-four hours and the month, which will make it possible to 10% to decrease the fuel consumption per all thermal power stations.

MES-system "MES-T2 2010" will ensure in THE REAL TIME the automation of the following technological processes of power station:

1) Production control of electrical and thermal energy;
2) Calculation of the technical and economic factors of the work of equipment;
3) Calculation of the expenditures for its own needs and of the losses of heat and electric power;
4) Estimation of the deviations of actual values from the normative;
5) Calculation of the specific fuel consumptions and the control of fuel-use;
6) Estimation of the work operative personnel;
7) Prognostication and the optimization of resources.

MES- system "MES-T2 2010" - the automated system of calculations TEF of power stations, considerably differs from the existing analogs in terms of the innovation philosophy of the construction of calculated technological tasks.

All similar systems have the fixed collection of technological tasks. MES-system "MES-T2 2010" does not have by program realized collection of these tasks. But on "MES-T2 2010" it is possible to accomplish any complexity technological tasks in any quantity for any power station without the programming.

All technological tasks are written on the very simple META language in the text projects, and entire system automatically is tuned from these projects during their compilation.

MES-system "MES-T2 2010" ensures:

1) Rapid realization of all tasks of power station with the automatic tuning of entire MES- system from the pushing of one knob;
2) High-speed operation the file/server multi-user MES-system in THE REAL TIME on the DLL-programs on the 3rd section structure (20000 factors it is calculated in 2 seconds);
3) High-speed operation of system client/server with any SQL-server (MS SQL server, Oracle, Interbase, Sybase, SQLBase, Informix, MySQL, PostgreSQL) on the 3rd section structure;
4) Communication with any automated systems of data collection ([ASKUE], [ASKUT] and other) and the import of data from any files (txt, excel, access, paradox and other) and the tables of SQL-server;
5) Powerful to analyst, global prognostication and the optimization of resources by the simplex method or by dynamic optimizer.

The use of a MES-system by "MES-T2 2010" for the computerization will allow power stations to rapidly and qualitatively solve all problems of calculated and analytical nature in THE REAL TIME. It will ensure the realization of minute and half-hour calculations according to the excessive fuel consumption with the monitoring, which will allow with the aid of the logistic criterion of fuel-use to follow operational personnel the optimum motion of the electric energy generation and heat.

Not one existing system has the following possibilities:

1) Description of technological tasks in the simple META language of the 4th generation in the form of text project;
2) Automatic tuning of the entire system of calculations from the text description of project, i.e., the automatic creation of the conductor, information databases, screen forms and reports;
3) Automatic creation of calculated DLL-programs and SQL-server of applications;
4) Realization of the optimization tasks of linear programming by the simplex method and dynamic programming with minimax strategy;
5) Automatic tuning of the work of application client/server on the 3rd section structure with any SQL-server;
6) Automatic tuning of the work of WEB-application on IIS WEB server.

The programme complex for power station, realized on the MES-system "MES-T2 2010", will allow technologists in the process of operation to operationally add new tasks and to introduce changes in the algorithms of the calculation of the existing tasks. The very simple interface of program will allow very technologists without the turning to programmers to produce correction and fixing of the engineering calculations. The technologists operationally can obtain any information and to analyst on TEF of the power station in the form of periodicals and in the graphic idea.

Let us as a result note 4 the basic unquestionable TRUTHS of MES-system "MES-T2 2010":

1) MES-system possesses the lightest adaptation to any power station and has the capability of the realization of the limitless number of technological and economic tasks. The accomplishment of mission in the form of text projects ensures the easy tracking of these tasks with any technologist, creating prerequisites for the infinite growth of MES-system and constant tracking of external and endogenous changes.

2) MES-system possesses the maximum speed of the calculation of complex technological problems in THE REAL TIME. The presence of the enormous speed of calculation ensures the elementary realization of the optimization tasks of different classes, including the tasks of promising prognostication. Super-fast calculation give the possibility to operate with the dynamic model of entire power station for achievement maximum profit.

3) MES-system has very developed to analyst. Analyst this is the basic tool, which ensures the operational understanding of the motion of production process to the power station and ensuring production by operational personnel of the best solutions. Analyst also it makes it possible to immediately grant retrospective and extrapolated prognostication of production factors.

4) MES-system has practical realization. On the website of firm InformSystem is placed the complete demonstration version of complex, which can practically show the high-speed, analytical and adaptive possibilities of MES-system "MES-T2 2010". Using "the creator of system" and assigning station numbers and types of boilers and turbines of your power station, You will be able in a few seconds to generate operational complex for your power station and to calculate TEF.

With the introduction of MES-system "MES-T2 2010" in the technologists will become more than time for the solution of logistic problems by the minimization of expenditures for its own needs and the losses of electric power and heat.

DEMONSTRATION version Innovation MES-systems "MES-T2 2010" with the calculations of actual and normative TEF, with the minute and half-hour calculations of excessive fuel consumption and with the operational analytic is placed on the site:


Tags: InformSystem, MES-system, MES-T2 2010, power plant, power station

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