Award Winning Emotional ABCs Now Free for Teachers Nationwide

Emotional ABCs Classroom, a new Social Emotional Learning (SEL) curriculum, is free to teachers and school counselors nationwide.

​​​​Today, Emotional ABCs, America’s Most Awarded Emotional Skills Program, launches Emotional ABCs Classroom, a Social Emotional Learning (SEL) curriculum for teachers (K-3) and elementary school counselors. The program consists of 20 sequential workshops to instruct students in four major areas of Social Emotional Learning: Self-Awareness, Social Awareness, Self-Management, and Responsible Decision Making. Emotional ABCs Classroom closely follows suggested national guidelines for emotional skills curriculums and the program is currently FREE for classroom teachers and school counselors in the USA.

The “Free Teacher” Emotional ABCs Classroom account provides one year of free, full access to and Emotional ABCs Classroom for individual teachers, educators, and counselors at public schools, private schools, and Head Start programs in the U.S.A.

The work of learning emotional skills is ongoing whether it is ‘on’ the teaching agenda or not, and a student's daily interactions at school can provide unique opportunities to shape emerging emotional skills. Emotional ABCs creates a common language and process that can be easily modeled, quickly learned, and seamlessly incorporated into all aspects of a student’s daily school experience, from the classroom to the playground or lunchroom. The program information can be shared with parents, caregivers, and other teachers within the school community to form a supportive environment for students to practice healthy emotional interactions.

To accomplish this, a vibrant emotional skills program takes into account a teacher’s emotional-skills competencies and teaching style. Emotional ABCs Classroom helps teachers actualize their own knowledge by providing clear goals, a common emotional language, and well-organized support materials to create a personalized curriculum.

The Workshops prioritize teacher/student and student/student relationships. They facilitate a teacher's ability to initially model emotional skills and then to follow-through with coordinated 'learn-by-doing' activities," explains Chief Creative Officer, Cynthia Sikes.

How Emotional ABCs Classroom Works:

Emotional ABCs Classroom provides teachers (K-3) with 20 sequential Workshops, support materials, and an adaptable structure to teach Social Emotional Learning (SEL) using the extensive resources of All Emotional ABCs Classroom Workshops include a Warm-Up, Mini-Lesson, Activity, Share-Out, and a Self-Reflection, and each can be taught as a 'stand-alone' lesson to target specific skills. Instructors can teach directly from online Workshops or from printable PDFs, and related Common Core Standards are listed for each Workshop. The program uses a common emotional language throughout that can help with issues ranging from anxiety or frustration to acting out and impulse control, and the curriculum can be readily adopted school-wide with minimal teacher training.

About is an activity-based online learning curriculum created in conjunction with a team of psychologists, therapists, and educators to give every child the emotional skills for lifetime success. The program combines therapists’ best techniques for working through emotions with a child-friendly, hands-on format. The program includes more than 100 interactive activities including video clips, mix and match games, listening and drawing activities, puzzles, a full audio dictionary, hundreds of printouts, playing cards, and much more. Children are taught a specific set of tools that they can use to identify what they are feeling, why they’re experiencing that emotion, and how to make better choices.


Emotional ABCs has received awards across a wide spectrum of categories, including the National Association of American Publishers “Revere” Judges’ Award, Tilliwig's "Brain Child" Award, Creative Child Magazine's "Product of the Year," and a "Great Find" Award from, an organization that evaluates products for their effectiveness in teaching children who have learning differences.

To Learn more, go to

For Media Inquiries: Contact Ross Brodie, CEO, [email protected], 310 399-8762

Source: Emotional ABCs, Inc.


Tags: ed tech, education, emotional skills, social and emotional

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