Aware Bear Computer Pittsford NY Osama Bin Laden Virus Rochester NY

Aware Bear Computers (585)473-7035 on 5 Monroe Avenue in Pittsford NY is ready to assist you with the removal of the Osama Bin Laden virus from your computer or Laptop. Our friendly staff is here to help you and assist you removing any viruses.

After Osama Bin Laden death, he still lives in the cyber world in a form of a computer virus. This virus tells people it has Osama Bin Laden's execution pictures in a form of an attachment. No official images were released by the White House or President Barak Obama. A Facebook version of the hoax is also going around exposing computer users to online attacks.

Aware Bear Computers (585)473-7035 on 5 Monroe Avenue in Pittsford NY is ready to assist you with the removal of the Osama Bin Laden virus from your computer or Laptop. Our friendly staff is here to help you and assist you removing the Osama Bin Laden virus. More information about the Osama Bin Laden virus and virus removal please visit:

The new computer virus is causing online terrorism to computer users worldwide. The virus comes in a form of an image claiming to be Osama Bin Laden's death pictures. According to the Agence France Presse photo lab the image is fake and contaminates computers when the attachment is open. The following article describes the hoax:

After the death of the most wanted international terrorist Osama Bin Laden a new virus showed up in the World Wide Web. This virus has contaminated computers very quickly since it claims to show people pictures that no one have seen before. Osama's death pictures. The official photographs of the terrorist Osama Bin Laden have not been released to the public, says Aware Bear Computer Pittsford NY owner Andre Leite Alves in Rochester NY.

People have to be very cautious now in days about where they go and what type of email attachments they open while surfing on the web. A Facebook version of the Osama Bin Laden Virus is also going around contaminating computers. For more info please read:

If your computer has been infected by the Osama Bin Laden virus or any other type of virus please follow these simple steps: 1) Disconnect your computer from the internet. Why? People ask Aware Bear Computers in Rochester NY all the time, the answer is simple a virus can take over your email address book and start sending fake emails with virus attachments in order to contaminate friends and family. 2) Call a computer store that specializes in virus and spyware removal as soon as possible. The longer you wait the worse the virus will get. 3) Either drop off the computer at the computer repair shop or schedule a technician to come to your home or business in order to remove the virus. More information about virus removals please visit:

Always remember to backup your important files, pictures, music to an external hard drive. In case of a virus your files can be compromised and become unrecoverable. By knowing that your important files are secured on a secondary location you can rest assure about not losing your files. For more info about:
©2010 All Rights Reserved Aware Bear, Inc. and Andre Leite Alves.


Tags: 911, Andre Leite Alves, Aware Bear Computers, kill, killed, new york, ny, nyc, Osama Bin Laden, Pittsford, removal, Rochester, Virus, World Trade Center

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Andre Leite Alves
Press Contact, Aware Bear, Inc.
Aware Bear, Inc.
5 Monroe Avenue
Pittsford, NY 14534
United States