B2C E-Commerce Market Reports By Ystats.com Available At Reduced Prices
Online, April 9, 2013 (Newswire.com) - B2C E-Commerce market reports published in 2011 are now available with a 50 percent discount on the original price and reports published in the first half of 2012 with a 30 percent discount.
The comprehensively researched yStats.com market reports from 2011 show global (e.g. "Global B2C E-Commerce Market Report 2011") and regional trends (e.g. "Western Europe B2C E-Commerce Report 2011"). Additionally, some reports feature selected countries (e.g. "China B2C E-Commerce Report 2011") in more detail.
The discounted market reports from 2012 include amongst others the regions North America (report on the entire region and two country specific reports) and Middle East & Africa (report on entire region and four country-specific reports). The special reports, for example "Global Online Travel Report 2012" and "Global Online Gaming Report 2012" are also available at a reduced rate.
These reports still provide valuable information, given that all data was carefully researched with a long-term validity in mind and some of the market reports also include forecasts. Detailed product brochures and further information on all market reports are available on the homepage www.ystats.com.
A total of 38 market reports published in 2011 are available with a 50 percent discount, while 14 market reports from the first half of 2012 are discounted by 30 percent.
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yStats.com has been committed to researching up-to-date, objective and demand-based data on markets and competitors for top managers from various industries since 2005. Headquartered in Hamburg, Germany, the firm has a strong international focus and is specialized in secondary market research. In addition to offering reports on markets and competitors, yStats.com also carries out client-specific research. Clients include leading global enterprises from various industries including B2C E-Commerce, electronic payment systems, mail order and direct marketing, logistics, as well as banking and consulting.
Tags: discount, e-commerce, market, online, reduction, reports, sales, shopping, yStats.com