Baby Boom Expected In November With Couples Finding Conception Easier Over Valentine's
Online, February 1, 2013 ( - Valentine's Day has become more central to relationships in recent times, and most couples will be planning something for the occasion, with more than £880 million expected to be spent on the day in the UK alone. Valentine's Day is considered the most romantic day of the year, meaning anything from a trip away to a nice meal in a romantic restaurant. Of these couples, many are trying to conceive, and research expects them to be successful over Valentine's.
According to, more couples are expected to conceive in the days leading up to and after Valentine's Day, being more relaxed. Plans for conception are often put on hold by stress, which negatively affects ovulation. Valentine's Day provides a welcome distraction, and offers a way for couples to feel more relaxed with each other, leading to successful conception.
Dorothy and Theodore, an online baby boutique, have seen evidence of the Valentine's Day baby boom in previous years. A Customer Service Representative for the company commented, "Every year we see spikes in the sales of new baby gifts. The largest of these is from September to November, as babies are born who were conceived over the winter and Valentine's Day period, two of the most common times for couples to conceive."
Research undertaken into conception has found stress to be a component factor in couples failing to conceive for months, and even years. By relaxing over Valentine's Day, plus date nights throughout the year, couples can create an environment which encourages conception, rather than obsessing over it and failing as a result.
Dorothy and Theodore are a UK-based online baby boutique. They provide products for infants, children, and those couples hoping to see them in the new future.
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