Back to Work, But Have You Had a Holiday?

Survey Reveals 38% Feel Less Relaxed Due to Checking Work Emails and Social Media Activity While on Holiday

Almost 38% of workers returning from their Summer Holiday this year haven't been able to switch off from work during their break because of being constantly connected to work emails and business related social media such as Twitter and LinkedIN, according to a new survey.

The survey, conducted by online gaming competition site, questioned 350 professionals from across the UK, and found that 28% of respondents checked work-related emails and social media at least once a day on their smartphone or personal device on holiday.

While 18% said that checking emails out of the office didn't bother them, 38% reported feeling less relaxed due to a perceived obligation to check work activity regularly, with 52% stating they would rather avoid accessing work emails and social media all together.

Zak Shah, CEO and Founder of said: "Having access to work emails has its uses, because it enables people to keep work under control, ultimately reducing the burden when they return to the office. However, while holidays are a time for fun and a chance to unwind, technological developments, such as the smartphone, are guilty of allowing work to encroach on time spent with family, preventing people from being able to really switch off.

"There is a perception that people can handle work activities on holiday, but is it really productive for business? Our survey has shown that a majority of professionals would prefer not to check their work emails or social media at all when away, instead using the time to relax, unwind and enjoy time out of the office."

The number of smartphone users in the UK has risen to 51% (23 million users) over the last year. A recent report from Ofcom has revealed that more than a quarter of UK adults own a smartphone, with numbers continuing to rise. According to the survey, smartphone usage is also increasing, with 70% of those owning a smartphone taking work calls during their leisure time. contact: Context Public Relations,

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Tags: email, social media, work

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