Bacula Systems Answers Increased Demand With Corporate Opening

Bacula Systems Corporation is operational from 1st January 2018, bringing greatly extended Support hours to customers
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Leading with new backup and restore software technologies for large enterprises and managed services providers, Bacula Systems today announced the opening of new offices in the United States, increasing its local presence in the U.S. This is the latest in a series of announcements from Bacula Systems, which is undergoing accelerated development both in its technologies and employee numbers.​

"With the new company comes a host of new opportunities - the most important of which is that we are able to offer our US customers greatly extended Support hours. As in our approach to data volume, we will do this with no additional charge. Customers tell us that our Support is industry leading, providing actionable responses to resolve issues quickly. Our industry leading retention rate of over 98% is testimony to this," Frank Barker, CEO of Bacula Systems.

With the new company comes a host of new opportunities - the most important of which is that we are able to offer our US customers greatly extended Support hours. As in our approach to data volume, we will do this with no additional charge. Customers tell us that our Support is industry leading, providing actionable responses to resolve issues quickly. Our industry leading retention rate of over 98% is testimony to this.

Frank Barker, CEO, Bacula Systems

Bacula Enterprise Edition is a highly scalable backup and restore software for data centers, MSP’s and Cloud Providers, directly answering the IT industry’s challenge of exploding data volume with a low cost subscription model that does not charge relative to data volume. “Establishing a US based company reflects our 2017 growth and our strong start in 2018. Clearly we would not have been able to achieve this milestone in Bacula Systems’ ongoing success story without having terrific customers and we are very grateful for their support”, said Aristide Caraccio, VP of Sales and Marketing for Bacula Systems.

About Bacula Systems:

Bacula Systems customers include NASA, Texas A&M University, Tricore Solutions and many more.

Source: Bacula Systems


Tags: backup and recovery, backup software, enterprise backup

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About Bacula Systems

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Bacula Systems is the leading Enterprise Open Core backup and restore software company, combining Bacula’s enterprise-class open standards software with first-class support and professional services. Bacula Enterprise is a highly scalable backup and recovery software for large organizations, data centers and MSPs. Bacula Systems customers include NASA, Navisite, Texas A&M University, Sky PLC, Warner Bros, Locaweb and many more.

Bacula Systems
Avenue des Sciences 11
Yverdon-les-Bains, Vaud 1400