Baker's Gas and Welding Releases Safety Advice on Welding

The proper environment, ventilation, safety attire, and tools will help decrease the risk of accidents for welders.

Baker's Gas and Welding Supplies is happy to release welding safety advice to ensure safe welding practices. Whether a welding job is big or small, commercial or personal, these tips will help satisfy safety standards so projects can be completed without any dangerous risks. By understanding how to prevent common accidents, the risk of injuries is lowered.

A proper environment for any welding job is essential. Welders should make sure that there is a clear, flat surface for the welding equipment to sit, and that the immediate area is free of flammable materials which can include: gasoline, oil, paper, cloth and rags. The environment should also be clear of water and anything wet because water conducts electricity. Welders need to check that the equipment is installed and grounded properly. The environment must be free of clutter to avoid things falling in the welder's path. Common trip-hazards include cables and hoses which should be wrapped up and out of the way. Also, check hoses for leaks. If a hose has a leak, it should be replaced.

Proper ventilation should also be maintained to create a safe welding environment. For those working in spaces such as a garage or small shop, opening a door or window can help. Running a small box fan as an exhaust helps keep welders from inhaling the fumes.

Safety attire for welding is a given. While safety glasses and heavy-duty gloves are a must, it is important that all attire fits properly. Baker's Gas and Welding warns that a one "size fits all" approach isn't the best, and all welders should seek attire that fits them correctly. The head-to-toe approach for welders consists of: a welder's helmet, safety glasses, heavy-duty leather gloves, flame-resistant clothing, a leather apron, and leather work shoes. Baker's Gas and Welding offers a variety of safety attire online with reasonable shipping rates.

Proper tools for welding are necessary in order to lower the risk of burning. Baker's Gas and Welding points out that even with gloves, risk of burning still exists. While a welder should always wear heavy-duty gloves, metal should be picked up with a pair of pliers, not directly with the hands. Welders should also have the proper tools available for grinding, sanding, chipping, etc.

If a welder makes sure the environment for welding is safe and has proper ventilation, and if the proper tools and safety attire are utilized, the risk of accidents will be reduced.

For more inforamtion, please visit Baker's Gas and Welding online at


Tags: welders, Welding, welding safety

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Thomas Klemz
Press Contact, Baker's Gas and Welding Supplies, Inc.
Baker's Gas and Welding Supplies, Inc.
1300 Howard Street
Lincoln Park, MI 48146
United States