Launched On March 10, 2011, And Is Available To The Public provides its visitors hope for a healthier, happier, long life. Health and wellness is the center of this domain.

Carlyn Clark is the owner and operator of the website, as well as a fourth grade teacher. It is her hope that people will, "step-by-step, embrace where we are, who we are, assess ourselves with what is right, what we need to accept, and what we need to change, to complete the best whole and happy self we can be" with her website. For those seeking advice and insight on balancing health and living a healthier lifestyle, her website provides this. She hopes to share her knowledge with the common man and woman, so they can learn to live life as healthy as possible, to fully enjoy its most precious moments. She says that "Balancing our health is a personal reward as well as a social need or obligation. Health is the one thing we all need and can control to a certain degree. Healthy choices in all aspects of life build a happier future for ourselves and those around us."

To get to know the owner of this health focused site a bit better, Carlyn Clark enjoys walking her dog, reading, writing, eating healthy, gardening, having a good laugh, and striving for a balanced life in general. In a one-on-one interview with her, she said that "aging is inevitable, but it can be made easier when we support ourselves with healthy choices. When joints are not stressed, movement is easier. Life is brighter when pain is minimal. Pain is naturally reduced with healthy weight, movement, inner strength, and supportive relationships." One of her main concerns she said deals with "unhealthy choices of our population, which greatly contributes to the health care crisis in America. This population spans all ages, cultures and sexes. With small changes and conscious choice, we will better our individual future and that of our country."

Clark's favorite health topic is healthy eating. She first became interested in this at the age of nine to be exact. She says that because many people crossing her path have suffered painful knee replacements, have sleep apnea, diabetes, and heart problems, healthy eating is the one way she sees that people can all improve themselves and ease the discomfort. She says it "helps attitude, makes you feel better, and allows pursuits that can broaden one-self."

Some of the online topics on deal with: avoiding depression; avoiding colds; fighting allergies; dancing for health; at home spas; finding inner peace; lowering stress; healthy foods and drinks; healthy products; healthy skin and sun care; healthy plants; sleeping well; positive energy; home remedies; growing herbs; thyroid problems; etc.

Carlyn Clark provides an outlet to help people learn more about health and wellness. She says, "as my father has said often, hope springs eternal, and that is what I want to offer the public with my site. Hope for a healthier, happier, long life." She put her vision into action and is hoping that other people will appreciate what she has to offer, but better yet, what others can learn for themselves. Carlyn Clark asks that anyone with a question to please leave a comment on her site, or to contact her via the contact page.

Contact Source Information:
Carlyn Clark


Tags: balancing health, eating healthy, Health, healthy eating, living a healthier lifestyle, wellness

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