Bart's Bakery Needs Your Help to Spread Cookie Karma™!
Online, February 19, 2014 ( - Bart and Judy's Bakery is changing the world, and they need your help!
What goes around, comes around, that's the idea of Cookie Karma!!
The Los Angeles-based creator of The Best Chocolate Chip Cookies in the World! is asking everyone to submit meaningful quotes for the Cookie Karma™ program. Inside every bag of Bart's Bakery cookies is a piece of Cookie Karma™; quotes whose purpose is to inspire, motivate, excite or amuse.
"The topic [of your quote] is unimportant," says bakery founder Bart Greenhut. "Adages, inspirations, insights or even a joke will qualify. Cookie Karma™ is your chance to share wisdom with the world. Our hope is that together we can create a tiny cosmic ripple that will affect the world in some wonderful way."
"These inserts are all generated by people from all walks of life," continues Greenhut, "and everyone who submits becomes eligible to win a $100 prize!"
On any given day there are about 300 different quotes in circulation, and Bart's Bakery offers $100 to anyone who finds their own quote inside a bag or box of cookies. According to Greenhut, two fans have already received their own quote and claimed their prizes which includes an original, signature box of cookies!.
Visit, submit a quote, and help change the world today!
Bart's Bakery is based in Los Angeles, California, and is on a mission to spread happiness one cookie at a time. Creators of the finest cookies ever brought to market, Bart's Bakery is committed to using only the finest ingredients in their products. From creamery French and American butter to unrefined sugars and flour and Belgian chocolates, the bakery will never sell out or settle for anything besides the best.
For more information, visit, follow Bart on twitter @barts_bakery, Like Bart's Bakery on Facebook or check out the company's blog at
Tags: Chocolate, cookies, Inspiration, karma, quotes, small business