Basset Launches Next Version of Watchdog
Online, May 24, 2011 ( - Basset launches next version of Watchdog - the next generation of one of the world´s most spread fraud management and revenue assurance systems. The version has been added with several new features and functions that will enhance your detection of fraud and revenue losses.
Watchdog is a complete solution suite focusing on fraud management and revenue assurance - everything is designed to avoid revenue loss. You get effective tools that will help you to constantly stay one step ahead of the fraudsters and to detect and act on revenue leakages. Watchdog is a flexible solution that makes it easy for operators to expand into new areas. By using Watchdog operators will get more by losing less.
• More user-friendly
In the new release of Watchdog FMS and RA solution, the user will experience a more user-friendly environment as they will be able to configure the workspace and see the windows that are specific selected for the users' needs - a new feature that will increase effectiveness.
• Combination of alarms
Watchdog Fraud includes an advanced alarm builder interface allowing the users of the system to almost build any alarm criteria to detect abnormal behavior in their network. This will enhance the ability to detect the main fraud types many of the operators in the world are suffering, such as international revenue share fraud, roaming fraud and bypass fraud.
The alarms module in Watchdog Fraud provides great flexibility in constructing and combining alarms. This allows the operator to be extremely flexible and independent to detect new fraud types and adjusting existing alarms. In this new release the possibility to combine the alarms even further will give the user more accurate alarms, reduce the amount of false alarms and save both time and money.
• Reconciliation functionality
Two types of reconciliation functionality has been integrated in the new release of Watchdog Fraud, a scheduled based reconciliations with alarms and a simple to use Ad-Hoc reconciliation that displays the result directly in the client. The addition of reconciliation functionality will help operators in both the fraud domain and the RA controls. . A new analytics screen has been added where the user can, analyze, view, re-arrange or "pivot" the data in a more clever way (using OLAP - OnLine Analytic Processing) with flexible connection to user-friendly graphs.
For further information, please contact:
Daniel Salokas
Product Manager for Watchdog RA
Phone: +46 (0)70 420 76 51
Email: [email protected]
Nicolaj Aaroe
Product Manager for Watchdog Fraud
Phone: +46 (0)70 710 79 29
Email: [email protected]
Tags: Basset, Bassetglobal, FMS, fraud management system, OSS/BSS, ra, revenue assurance, watchdog