Batch Converting XPS to PDF Is Easier Than Ever Before
Alexandria, VA , September 17, 2015 ( - The latest innovations from fCoder Group, Inc. make batch converting XPS documents to PDF or image files as simple as 1-2-3!
DocuFreezer is a powerful software automation tool to batch convert XPS documents into the very popular and widely-used PDF format. All employees need to do is place documents into a list, click Start, and let DocuFreezer do the rest. No special training or skills are required!
Laisan Shafikova, CEO
FolderMill is another very useful tool from fCoder Group. This product is usually installed on a server with “hot folders” designated for employees to use. Employees place documents into a hot folder and FolderMill will carry out the actions it is configured to perform.
Another software product for companies is Universal Document Converter. As its name suggests, this product will convert just about any type of document. In fact, Universal Document Converter can be designated as a printer within FolderMill. When employees place documents into the appropriate “hot folder”, Universal Document Printer will convert the documents into the designated file format.
If your company prefers to have all these actions take place on employee’s computers instead of a server, then Print Conductor is what you are looking for. Place Print Conductor on your employees’ desktops, configure Universal Document Printer to work with Print Conductor and your employees are able to convert dozens and dozens of different file formats into the file type you need.
For more information, please go to:
There are discounts for quantity purchases. Also, special prices for educational institutions, governmental and nonprofit organizations are available by request.
Tags: batch converting, convert to PDF, convert XPS