Bay City Bombers Roller Derby Leads a Mens Retro-Sexual Revolt on May 1, 2010
Online, May 7, 2010 ( - "Watch me get paid to kick ass," said a Roller Derby icon. "May 1, at San Francisco's Kezar Pavilion."
San Francisco, CA April 27, 2010 -- A new group of male roller derby skaters will take the helm of the banked track on May 1, 2010, at 8:00PM, Kezar Pavilion in San Francisco.
"Our men are generating a new social offensive in the cultural war," said team representative, Tim Patten. "The Retro-sexual is leading the charge, it is all live this Saturday, May 1, at Kezar Pavilion in San Francisco."
These Roller Derby men show off a revolt against male stereo-types of recent decades. They push aside old school idea of a sensitive male and turn to discover their classic male inside; cracking heads, busting bones and fighting for their right to be men in Roller Derby and in their lives. "Move over feminists," said Killer ATK the new captain of the Orlando Thunder Roller Derby team.
"In our new-school of Roller Derby, men are granted a license to explore their dark side of aggression, angst and violence," said Tim Patten. No more being Mr. Nice Guy. No more being the worker bees cow-towing women's favor. No more becoming a frou-frou little puss for a smile. That male persona is gone in favor of a new found rugged man's man image that exudes authority and evokes equal parts image and lifestyle that a growing number of young men are hungry to adopt; putting the man back in manhood with resolve."
Roller Derby is leading the way for men lost in a maze of metro-sexual and politically correct social-waters by allowing the male to be strong and recognize themselves while expressing their ruggedness without restriction.
"I bash a competitor down on his back in front of thousands," said KILLER the Orlando Thunder captain. "Den I skin his ass good, even if a few rules are broken. Screw da rules. This is Roller Derby. I get paid to kick ass."
Experience men who regain their maleness. Tickets are on sale at the web site:
Tags: history, roller derby, rollerderby