BB E-Books Launches Innovative and Affordable Services
Online, June 20, 2012 ( - Bangkok, Thailand - BB eBooks recognizes the rapid growth of the eBook market and understands the writer's needs to have full control over their crafted work. BB eBooks seeks to provide self-publishers and small presses with professional design services for all eBook formats utilizing the latest technology - HTML, CSS, and XML - to make sure that all eBooks look excellent across a wide range of electronic devices.
One of the main advantages of eBooks is portability. Typically, an eBook reader can store up to 1,000+ books and facilitates sharing amongst readers instantaneously. Another benefit of eBooks is the low-cost due to lack of warehousing and distribution requirements.
Unfortunately, many eBooks sold by the major distributors (i.e. Amazon, Apple, and Barnes & Noble) are poorly designed and frequently criticized by readers. When asked how BB eBooks would improve standards in eBook design, Paul Salvette (Managing Director) replied, "We focus on using the latest technology standards and our own knowledge of HTML/CSS to handcraft each eBook, rather than just trying to use bloated software to convert a print book to an eBook."
Many authors and small presses face technical challenges in trying to achieve a professional-quality eBook. Panich Choonhanirunrit (Director of Marketing and Sales), who is also a writer, said, "We really want to alleviate the burden in the publishing process by providing the outstanding eBook design at an affordable price. That way, writers can spend their valuable time focusing on what's important-writing."
The company aims to turn information into professional eBooks as a service to the content-creating community. This will allow writers and small presses with limited budgets to sell their eBooks world-wide.