BBB Honors South Florida Businesses With Ethics Award

BBB CEO Rod Davis

Recently, Better Business Bureau Serving Southeast Florida and the Caribbean (BBB) celebrated the inaugural edition of the Torch Awards for Ethics. The BBB Torch Awards seek to elevate and highlight the commitment made by for-profit enterprises to the highest standards of leadership character and organizational ethics. The awards bring attention to the practices that organizations employ to generate a high level of trust, among their employees, customers and their communities.

The recipients of this year’s Torch Awards are Universal Landscape, Inc., from Royal Palm Beach in the small business category, AccuDock, from Pompano Beach in the mid-size business category, and White Glove Moving, Storage & Delivery in the large business category. BBB also recognized two finalists in the small business category and one finalist in the midsize and large categories. The recognized finalists are Honest Air, Inc., Eco Restoration and Construction, LLC, Innova Eco Building Systems, LLC, and Empathy Care, Inc. respectively.

The winners and finalists were nominated for the Torch Awards by their peers and were given the opportunity to submit information regarding their ethical relationships with customers, employees and vendors and the practices that they employ to generate a high level of trust, among their communities. The awarded businesses were chosen by an independent panel of judges appointed for their own commitment to high ethical standards.

The awards portion of the event was preceded by an inspirational speech from Retired U.S. Army Lt. Gen. Michael Linnington, CEO of the Wounded Warrior Project, who emphasized the importance of maintaining trust and high ethical standards in any organization. BBB’s CEO Rod Davis and Vice President Michele Mason were presented with a Proclamation of Business Ethics Day from Palm Beach County Commissioner Mary Lou Berger.

The Torch Awards 2018 winners will be able will be eligible to enter CBBB’s International Torch Award contest that takes place later this year.

For information on the Torch Awards process please visit

ABOUT BBB: For more than 100 years, Better Business Bureau has been helping people find businesses, brands and charities they can trust. The Council of Better Business Bureaus is the umbrella organization for the local, independent BBBs in the United States, Canada and Mexico, as well as home to its national and international programs on dispute resolution, advertising review, and industry self-regulation. BBB Serving Southeast Florida and the Caribbean serves 11 counties in South Florida as well as the territories of Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands.

Media Contact: Cinthya Lavin 305-827-5363 ext. 204. [email protected]

Source: Better Business Bureau Serving Southeast Florida and the Caribbean


Tags: business, business ethics, ethics, small business, south florida business

Better Business Bureau Serving Southeast Florida & the Caribbean
4411 Beacon Circle
West Palm Beach, FL 33407
United States