Be Fit Reveals What to Look for When Hiring a Personal Trainer in Dubai

Be Fit Personal Training gives a list of 3 main points to look out for when hiring a personal trainer in Dubai. Whether a private personal trainer or in gym, keep these checklist items in mind always before proceeding with a personal trainer.

Be Fit Reveals What to Look for When Hiring a Personal Trainer in Dubai: getting into perfect shape requires motivation and mainly persistence especially when the daily activities of living in Dubai takes ahold of the day. One of the best ways to improve overall commitment to exercise is to hire a professional male or female personal trainer in Dubai. 

Studies show that by working out at least 3-4 times a week with a personal trainer boosts overall morale and energy at work. The more active people work out allows them to maintain a consistent amount of energy throughout the day.

Our highly qualified and hard working personal trainers, will encourage and support not just as a trainer but also a confidant, motivator and friend! Even when you feel like quitting, we will not give up on you. You may face challenges, but we will be there to face it with you. Together we will overcome the obstacles as we race to reach productive results.

Ali Soudi, Manager, Be Fit

With over 100s of gyms in and around Dubai it's becoming increasingly difficult to choose a personal trainer. Likewise, the average personal trainer fee in Dubai now ranges between 200-1,000dhs per hour. Be Fit has made a list of the top questions people should have in mind when making a decision on a personal trainer:

Qualifications: One small mistake by a personal trainer who isn't qualified or doesn't have the required certificates to train can leave the client both temporarily or permanently damaged. Every person has their own set limitations in the beginning; most trainers tend to give a 'once-size-fits-all' workout. A qualified personal trainer will immediately measure and ask questions such as "have you worked-out before? / last time you trained? / what other exercises you do," etc. All of which play an important role in tailoring a unique workout routine to get clients results whilst delivering the highest amount of safety. Make sure to ask if the trainer is certified and by which certification institute in Dubai — the most common being an institute called REPs. All personal trainers must be qualified and certified by an institute such as REPs in order to start training clients.

Experience: Yes some trainers will be new, whilst it's important for trainers to start from somewhere it's important to be looking for a trainer with at least 5-10 years experience in personal training. This will show a proven track record of results for clients trained; results speak for themselves. Ask the outcomes achieved; ranging from weight loss to muscle gain. This will help to be able to differentiate between a non-experienced and an experienced personal trainer in Dubai.

Attitude: Work with a trainer that not only pushes 'the extra mile' but someone that is easy to get along with.

"Always ask for a complimentary training session, you will see if you get along well with the trainer or not. Always look out for trainers that are happy, motivated, fun, and inspiring — when you don't feel like going to the gym, that personal trainer needs to be the one that pushes and remind you of the goals you want to achieve out of training. A personal trainer will become your friend, we at Be Fit only recruit experienced, qualified, happy individuals that make the client's fitness goals their own goals," says General Manager of Be Fit, Ali Soudi.

Be Fit's female and male personal trainers train clients at the convenience of their home.

Source: Be Fit Personal Trainers In Dubai


Tags: gyms in dubai, personal trainer in dubai, personal training dubai, workout in dubai

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