Beach Clean Up With PADI IDC Gili Islands in Indonesia Great Success

PADI IDC Gili Islands organizes every week a Beach Clean up with the Divemaster, Instructor Candidates, students, fun divers and guides.

Oceans 5 Dive resort organizes a beach and reef cleanup every week

About 8 million tons of plastic finds its way into the ocean every year. The majority of this waste comes from 5 Asian countries, with Indonesia being one of them. According to studies, the reason why so much plastic leaks in our oceans is the economical growth of these developing countries. While this positive development of course benefits a country and its citizens, there is an increase in use of plastic products. Unfortunately, the waste management policies of such countries don’t improve at the same rate the economy does, which leaves a huge pile of plastic behind that is not been taken care of.

On small islands like Gili Air, proper waste management is necessary. Local governments and both local and western business are putting effort in education, hoping that future generations become more aware, cut down on single use plastics and handle their waste with more care. On top of that Gili Air is visited by hundreds of thousands of tourists every year. You would expect from a mainly western educated public, who have learned from their mistakes, that respect for the environment and preventing pollution comes naturally. Unfortunately, this is not always the case.

"All of us should start by looking in the mirror, work together and think about ways to improve our preservation efforts to protect the delicate oceans on our blue planet.  And there is no better place to start with than your immediate environment, in our case Gili Air," said PADI IDC Gili Air.

Bearing this in mind Oceans 5 Gili Air and IDC Gili Islands organizes weekly beach and reef clean ups as a small part of the bigger picture. Both locals and tourist join hands to make our harbor a cleaner place. Every week we collect a substantial amount of garbage that gets separated. This information is sent to Project AWARE. With all of the businesses working together and if organizations like project AWARE can get their hands on sufficient data regarding waste leaking, hopefully, governments will realize that it is time to act and improve their infrastructures and waste management.

Join Oceans 5, contribute to a cleaner island and make a difference!
For more information check out or simply send an email to info@oceans5dive

Source: PADI IDC Gili Air


Tags: Beach Clean up, Gili Air, Gili Islands, IDC Gili Air, Indonesia, PADI IDC Gili Islands

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oceans 5 dive resort gili air, Gili Air, Lombok, Indonesia
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