Bear Claw Events, Inc. Announced Retreat to Punta Cana

​Bear Claw Events, Inc. leaders will be sending some of its team members to Punta Cana for a retreat, the management team announced. Matt, the company Director, indicated that there will be a competition to decide who goes. 

According to Matt, the attendees will be selected based on performance over the coming weeks. Everyone from Bear Claw Events, Inc. will have the opportunity to be chosen. So, it will come down to whoever can exceed his or her goals by the greatest margin. 

"We offer advancement and rewards based strictly on merit, so we can hold a team contest without worrying about office politics."

Matt, Director

“We love a little friendly competition around the office,” Matt stated. “It is a great way to keep everyone energized. We offer advancement and rewards based strictly on merit, so we can hold a team contest without worrying about office politics. I am sure everyone at Bear Claw Events, Inc. will be pushing hard in the next few weeks. We’ll just have to wait and see who earns the retreat.” 

The retreat will be an industry event with professionals from other sales and marketing offices around the country. Matt asserted that there will be numerous networking opportunities for the attendees. This will include the chance to pick up on the latest and greatest ideas in the field. So, the company’s management team wants to make sure to bring someone who will make the most of it. 

"Our team members are going to need to go the extra mile,” said Xiomara, the firm’s administrator. “We will take a very innovative person who is coming up with new ideas, and someone who is very driven and motivated." 

The retreat will also be a great chance for some rest and relaxation, asserted Matt. There will be plenty of fun activities for the attendees. He expects that whoever earns the chance to go will feel well rewarded. 

Bear Claw Events, Inc.’s Director Discussed the Benefits of Travel 

Matt stated that every Bear Claw Events, Inc. team member gets the opportunity to travel. He said that this is a valuable perk because there are so many benefits to it. For example, people who regularly go on the road experience new cultures. This can boost creative thinking and improve problem solving. 

“Regular travelers also tend to be excellent adapters,” Matt stated. “They are used to being in new situations and learn how to quickly make the most of any circumstances. Travel makes people more capable professionals.” 

Matt concluded that every professional should try to get out of the office from time to time. “Traveling is enjoyable, exposes you to new experiences, and prepares you to handle different challenges. It is a truly useful investment,” he said.

About Bear Claw Events

Bear Claw Events embraces a simple goal: Offer dynamic and interactive strategies to champion products and services more effectively. Businesses wishing to try a different approach to growing their market share reach out to the firm to take advantage of state of the art approaches fitted for the modern world. Marketing experts listen to client objectives and design the best campaign to expose the features and benefits of the client's product or service to the most effective audience. Go check out​.



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