Beaten-Down, Penniless, and Even Jailed Caregivers Demand Relief Plans From Presidential Candidates

Philadelphia, PA , February 4, 2016 ( -, an advocacy site operated by nationally known caregiving expert Diane Carbo RN, is asking presidential candidates to develop and declare plans for helping the nation’s embattled caregivers.
So far, only Secretary Hillary Clinton has proposed a plan. CaregiverRelief is a non-partisan site and does not support any candidate at this time. You can read CaregiverRelief’s report on Secretary Clinton’s plan here.
We have a growing caregiver crisis occuring, Government support in the form of respite care, counseling services, assistance coordinating care, taxpayer-funded long-term care insurance and even a living wage for the family is needed. The bottom line is that caregivers who receive assistance to maintain their own health will be less likely to die prematurely or need long-term care themselves. In monetary terms, investing in a family caregiver's health now will pay dividends in the future.
Diane Carbo , RN Elder Care Specialist
CaregiverRelief hopes the site will give journalists an overview of America’s elder care crisis and also offer them story ideas for their own communities.
For more on this please visit:
Here are some questions family caregivers would like to ask:
What is your plan to allow family caregivers to be able to pay their own bills while saving the federal government hundreds of thousands of dollars by leaving their loved ones out of $8,000-per-month nursing homes that nobody wants to go into the first place?
Why can’t the government pay caregivers a small living wage, or at least foot the bill for respite care so they can get a part-time job elsewhere?
We invite all of the presidential candidates to “Be a Caregiver for a Day.” And we even will provide an hour-by-hour itinerary of what to expect.
Tags: Caregiver relief, caregiver stress, elder care, health care, long term care