Beaverton Dentist Included in Consumer Guide for America's Best Cosmetic Dentists

Beaverton dentist Dr. Mike Negru has been listed as one of America's top dentists in the 2005 Castle Connolly consumer guide, America's Cosmetic Doctors and Dentists.

Cosmetic and restorative dentist Dr. Mike Negru, D.D.S., P.C., has been listed as one of America's top dentists in the second edition of Castle Connolly's 2005 guide, America's Cosmetic Doctors and Dentists. Dr. Negru has been mentioned in both editions of the publication.

America's Cosmetic Doctors and Dentists provides the profiles of more than 6,000 physicians and dentists across the United States who are qualified to offer cosmetic treatments and whose credentials were screened by the Castle Connolly physician-directed research team. The consumer guide describes all cosmetic procedures and treatments and identifies the training necessary for medical professionals to provide cosmetic care. The guide provides information to help consumers select the best, well-qualified dentist for cosmetic care.

From the approximate 144,000 dentists in the United States, Dr. Negru is one of about 1,000 highly qualified dentists listed in America's Cosmetic Doctors and Dentists. The doctors and dentists listed in the Castle Connolly book are nominated by their peers in an extensive survey process of thousands of doctors each year. Castle Connolly then screens the doctors' medical education, training, hospital appointments and disciplinary history; those who are among the very best in their specialties and in their communities are selected for inclusion. Doctors do not pay to be included in any Castle Connolly guide or list.

There is no greater honor than to be recognized by one's peers, Dr. Negru says. Castle Connolly Medical Ltd. is a research and information company founded in 1992 to help consumers find top doctors and top hospitals. The company publishes a variety of books including the top doctors series. The physicians listed in their books and on the Web site ( are nominated by their peers in an extensive survey process of thousands of physicians each year.

Castle Connolly screens the physician's medical education, training, hospital appointments and disciplinary history are screened by the Castle Connolly physician-led research team. Those who are among the very best in their specialties and in their communities are selected for inclusion. Doctors do not pay to be included in any Castle Connolly Guide or list.

About Dr. Mike Negru, D.D.S, P.C.

Practicing the art of dentistry since 1980, Dr. Negru provides the finest quality dental care available today. Although he focuses on Cosmetic and Restorative Dentistry, he still offers an exceptional full-service dental practice. Dr. Negru performs routine checkups, simple fillings and professional cleanings as well as periodontal therapy, root canals, implants and crowns. He is perhaps best acknowledged for his ability to promote proper dental care and hygiene by allaying patients' dental-related fears and anxieties. Our equipment is definitely high tech, says Dr. Negru, but our traditional approach is warm and friendly. He describes it as advanced technology with a personality.


Tags: Beaverton, Cosmetic Dentist, Dental, dentist, portland

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3370 SW 192nd Ave.
Bellevue, WA 98004