Before the Olympics Sochi Has Got 78 AvtoUragan ANPR and Video Recording Complexes

AvtoUragan ANPR and traffic video recording systems will watch the safety and respect to rules on the roads of Sochi.

Sochi is the largest resort city in Russia, it stretches along the Black Sea coast for 105 kilometers. It is obvious, that such a distance in a modern city cannot be controlled without a reliable, all-weather means of photo- and video-monitoring. On the eve of the Olympics, seventy-eight AvtoUragan ANPR and traffic video-recording complexes was installed to gain control and safety on the roads within the framework of Intelligent Transport System (ITS).

More than half of installed AvtoUragan complexes are configured to measure and record the speed of vehicles using the video sequence. Other 28 systems identify the vehicles by their license plates at the entrances to the city. At the same time, the license plates recognition rate of AvtoUragan systems in daylight conditions is 97%, and radio scanners cannot detect the installation place and operation of the complex! 5 other systems record the red light violations at the key intersections of the city. Later, during the Games, these AvtoUragan complexes will record the vehicles, which violate the rule of prohibited use of special lanes for Olympic traffic.

AvtoUragan complexes were selected for Sochi ITS because of the fact that this stationary system is the most reliable and feature-rich. It identifies the license plates in conditions of poor visibility, measures the speed using the video sequence, and recognizes plates of 58 countries! Earlier AvtoUragan complexes provided video surveillance on the roads of Vladivostok during the APEC summit in 2012, and worked on the roads of Summer Universiade in Kazan.

It should be noted that the pre-Olympic Sochi will become the first city in Russia, in which ITS will work in full force by the end of this year. At the same time the Moscow ITS will be implemented and launched only in 2016.

About Recognition Technologies:

Recognition Technologies is the leading Russian developer of automatic number plate recognition (ANPR) and video monitoring systems. The main product of the company is AvtoUragan automatic number plate recognition (ANPR) and video recording complex, which is recognized as one of the most reliable and efficient solutions in its class. Due to its unique characteristics, AvtoUragan ANPR and video recording complex is widely used to control the traffic on highways and intersections throughout Russia, in all climatic zones. Among the customers of Recognition Technologies are services and departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, state agencies, and system integrators. Numerous foreign partners of Recognition Technologies actively use video monitoring solutions based on AvtoUragan ANPR and video recording complex.

Recognition Technologies LLC
24 Elektrozavodskaya str., Moscow, 107023
+7 495 785-15-36; +7 499 502-2811
[email protected]
Sergey Kusov


Tags: ANPR system, AvtoUragan, ITS, Recognition Technologies, Sochi, video control and safety on the

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Sergey Kusov
Press Contact, Recognition Technologies