Before You Make Your Next Appointment With Your Preparer, Read This Book!

Beware of Preparer is a cautionary tale to those that do not involve themselves in the tax preparation process with their preparer. Tax preparation does not leave the final outcome up to the preparer but involves both to achieve a correct return.

Every year, millions of Americans employ tax preparers of all types, from unpaid volunteers to highly paid CPAs to prepare their tax returns. Yet has anyone stopped to think whether the various individuals preparing returns are qualified to do so. If this thought has never crossed your mind, after reading this book, it will.

In Beware of Preparer, the goal is to take you out of the realm of disinterested observer and into the role of collaborator with your preparer. Short of preparing the return, this book tells you what can happen when you leave your preparer to his own devices. After reading, you may see your preparer and the tax preparation process in a different light. This is the desired effect. Use this book as your guide in order to seek out your tax preparer for the tax filing season.

Remember, you are ultimately responsible for what appears on or is absent from your return, not your preparer. To this end, read and be educated in the do's and don'ts. You'll be glad you did.

You will find the book sold in print and ebook format at


Tags: federal taxes, irs, tax preparation, tax preparers, taxes

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