Begade Announces Winner In IPod Touch Drawing
Online, October 28, 2010 (
For Release Immediately
Begade Announces Winner in iPod Touch Drawing
Business cards from visitors to the Begade display at the BillBoard Mobile Music Live! event were shuffled in an iPad box and a lucky winner was drawn
San Diego, CA - As part of its rolling thunder release, Begade drew a lucky winner of an Apple iPod Touch from an iPad Box. The lucky winner was Steven Grier of Studio 92 Music in Hayword, CA. He was notified by phone and email.
Video Of The Drawing
You can see a QuickTime of Chase Nutter, Director Business Development for Begade, doing the drawing at
The Begade App is Available Immediately
The Begade app is immediately available in the Apple AppStore and is free. So that musicians can get started immediately, the app installs with four projects that have royalty free content and an open project for generating new content. Musicians have an entire month to test out Begade before getting a subscription to the service.
Begade was founded in October 2008 by software industry veteran, Joe Austin, the founder of Miva. Mr. Austin sold Miva to a public company in 2004. The tradename Begade is a musical riff that is visual on music staff and can also be played. The company is private and closely held and currently operates in San Diego, California, Frankfurt, Germany and Boston, Massachusetts.
Begade is a trademark of Begade Corporation. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
For more information, press only:
Joe Austin, +1 858 342 4280, [email protected]
For more information on Begade: