"Believe In Yourself - If You Think That You Can Do It, You Will Make It", Says Nitin

Nitin Mathur decided to pursue a management course after seven years of work experience, specifically because though he was growing functionally, he needed managerial and people skills.

Nitin Mathur decided to pursue a management course after seven years of work experience, specifically because though he was growing functionally, he needed managerial and people skills. He wanted to learn how to deal with clients, his subordinates and even his colleagues. He joined the PGDBM programme at IMT-CDL and is extremely content and even proud of his decision.

Nitin has been a senior technician with IBM for six months now, and was associated with Dell or two-and-a-half years before that. He has been working in the field of 'storage', where he takes care of the technicalities of the servers in which the company's data is stored. His job involves handling the nine servers his company possesses and each server caters to almost 500 clients. His work begins closer to closing hours of the business, at 4.30 pm. He not only checks and maintains the servers, but also manages clients. This is also his biggest challenge, as he says, "Clashes take place with clients when they try to interfere in technical matters without having enough knowledge. It often becomes difficult to satisfy the customer in such circumstances." The other problem is to manage a technical fault that occurs due to someone else's mistake but being a lead, he has to service and pacify the client. Software problems also routinely crop up and he has to work around them all the time.

However, he loves his work, mostly because each problem is a new learning opportunity for him. "Shooting down new problems that surface every day requires learning new things, and I enjoy that!" He appreciates the support he has received at IBM and believes the company is one of the best employers in the country today. Nitin is enjoying the environment at IBM and feels that his crowning achievement has been his growth to the position of manager within just six months! His advice to students is, "Build the ability to handle pressure and believe in yourself." He feels that IMT-CDL offers the best online learning experience and with its excellent faculty support, students should be able to leverage opportunities and work hard towards success.


Tags: imt cdl, IMT CDL Rankings, IMT Centre of Distance Learning , imt placements

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