Bella Bag Presents Authentic Pre-Owned Designer Handbags

At you can find Authentic Pre-Owned Designer Handbags or you can authenticate your designer handbag.

Bella Bag presents authentic pre-owned designer handbags as an alternative to bootleg replicas. Fashionistas on a budget can find legitimate Louis Vuitton handbags for less at Bella Bag.

Authenticity is top priority for the in-house experts at Bella Bag. Each Louis Vuitton consignment bag is reviewed and analyzed by a step-by-step process called the "13 Point Authenticity Inspection."

From commonly known to obscure, all pertinent authenticity elements are reviewed. Consumers feel reassured of buying authentic Louis Vuitton handbags. The Bella Bag website boasts, "We always make sure our customers get the real deal."

Coveted Louis Vuitton handbags are only one of the impressive selections at Bella Bag. Other pre-owned designer handbags include Chanel, Prada, Gucci, Hermes, Burberry, Fendi and more.

Bella Bag sells hundreds of new, like new, gently used and vintage handbags, shoes and accessories from leading designers. With new arrivals every week, there are always exciting accessory options.

Shoppers, looking for a change, sell or trade designer bags through Bella Bag. Recipients of Louis Vuitton handbags use Bella Bag's authenticity service to see if they are the real thing.

Discerning consumers on a budget now have access to pre-owned designer handbags for less. Gone are the days of wishing or settling for unattractive fakes with the real deal just a few clicks away.

Bella Bag understands the hesitancy to shop for designer goods online, stating, "We know that shopping on the web for an expensive item is not easy. Our mission is to create a secure, simple, and exciting shopping experience. Every girl should know that feeling that carrying a fantastic accessory creates."

For more information, visit their website at, or contact [email protected]


Tags: authentic Louis Vuitton handbags, Louis Vuitton consignment, louis vuitton handbags, pre-owned designer handbags

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Bella Bag
700 S. Harbor Island, Blvd #407
Tampa, FL 33602