Benson & Bingham Named Staff Favorite Las Vegas Personal Injury Attorneys by Top Rated Local®
![Benson & Bingham Named Staff Favorite by Top Rated Local® for 2020](files/09/d6/ff55b5e9906c9a6affd0fe736269.jpg)
LAS VEGAS, April 8, 2020 ( - In 2020, Benson & Bingham was named the staff favorite and #1 Ranked Las Vegas Personal Injury Attorney at Top Rated Local®.
Top Rated Local® is a website that aggregates the ratings and reviews of businesses from verified online review sites and ranks businesses on their overall rating score. The rating score focuses on the Five Pillars of Excellence, including quality, value, timeliness, experience, and satisfaction. Benson & Bingham earned a 99.0 rating score, based on 596 ratings posted on four verified review sites, including Facebook, Google, Yelp, and Yellow Pages.
The firm has an average rating of five stars and glowing reviews on Facebook, Google, and the Yellow Pages.
Since 2003, Benson & Bingham has provided personal and compassionate representation to accident victims throughout Nevada and beyond. During that time, the firm has obtained settlements totaling more than $135 million for its clients. Benson & Bingham lawyers strongly believe that they make a difference, as they provide quality service and professional representation at an outstanding value. The entire team is thrilled to be named a staff favorite at Top Rated Local®.
For more information, call Joe Benson at Benson & Bingham at (702) 382-9797 or email [email protected].
Source: Benson & Bingham Accident Injury Lawyers, LLC
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