Best Lawyers CEO Phillip Greer Speaks to 'On Record PR' About Coveted Legal Awards

Phillip Greer, CEO of Best Lawyers, the oldest and most respected resource of the top talent in the legal profession, speaks to Gina Rubel on her "On Record PR" podcast.

Best Lawyers CEO Phillip Greer as a Guest With On Record PR Podcast

Best Lawyers® CEO Phillip Greer was recently featured as a guest on Gina Rubel's "On Record PR" podcast. In this episode, Greer shares his personal leadership journey with Best Lawyers, his discernment on how lawyers can use peer review rankings to grow their client base and opportunities he sees to traverse industry trends with an eye to fostering the efforts of up-and-coming legal talent.

During the interview, Greer discussed his entry into Best Lawyers, the oldest and most respected resource of the top talent in the legal profession, as a software engineer and how he took over the company as CEO in 2018. Phil shared his original three key objectives: gather a trusted leadership team, identify what the legal community desired from the Best Lawyers research processes and strategize ways to promote the work and values of younger lawyers.

"In partnership with law firms to figure out who these nominees are, we started our 'Ones to Watch' [awards] a few years ago," touted Greer. "It's been wildly successful. DEI is a big part of our content focus, and we make sure that we are affecting it through nomination processes for the materials we're writing, whether they are internal materials or materials we're working on with our media partners. The cool thing about a peer-review process is that lawyers get to use our network and our nomination tools to impact the direction of who makes the next list."

True to the core of Best Lawyers' Purely Peer Review® methodology, Phil shared with Rubel that law firms use Best Lawyers rankings "as a tool for impact". He continued, "[Firms] get to use our nomination process to give us feedback, to tell us, 'Hey, this is what's happening. This is what our peers are doing. These are the things you should be paying attention to.' Being able to use our methodology as a tool for impact is huge for law firms."

The award-winning podcast On Record PR interviews industry leaders such as C-suite executives, journalists, general counsel, top legal marketing professionals, lawyers and experts who discuss best practices for public relations and marketing strategies that drive legal business success. Click here to listen to Season 4: Episode 116 with Phillip Greer or search for "The Impact of Peer Review on the Legal Industry with Phillip Greer, CEO of Best Lawyers" wherever you get your podcasts.

Source: Best Lawyers


Tags: Best Law Firms, Best Lawyers, Find a Lawyer, Lawyer Rankings, Phillip Greer

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For more than four decades, Best Lawyers has assisted those in need of legal services to identify the lawyers best qualified to represent them in distant jurisdictions or unfamiliar specialties. Candidates can only be considered for one recognition at a time, either “Ones to Watch” or traditional Best Lawyers awards. "Best Lawyers: Ones to Watch" is not a seed list to "The Best Lawyers" and all hopeful candidates must be nominated and vetted by their peers recognized in Best Lawyers. Lawyers are not required nor allowed to pay a fee to be listed; therefore, recognition by Best Lawyers is considered a singular distinction.

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