Bigfoot Project Investments Inc. Announces the Exposure of the Hoax of the Century

Redwood City, California, May 4, 2016 ( - WEDNESDAY, 4 MAY 2016 FROM 7PM TO 9PM Pacific Time A TWO HOUR SPECIAL - HOAX OF THE CENTURY
Brace yourselves for one of the Most Dynamic,Informative, Fact Finding, and most of all truthful shows ever told by the Real Players themselves Concerning "The making of the Patterson Footage".
This event will shake the very foundation of the big foot world. This event will prove that a group of people were paramount in creating an iconic legend based on lies and deception. This group of people created an image that was presented to the public as truth when in all reality it was all a hoax perpetrated for monetary benefit.
Listen to the truth. Listen to the witnesses. Listen to the Testimonies on the documentary film "HOAX OF THE CENTURY".
Tom Biscardi, CEO
The public will be presented the proof. The public will also hear witnesses. These witness Testimonies appear on the documentary film "HOAX OF THE CENTURY".
Tom Biscardi the producer of "Hoax of the Century" will host this media event:
He will interview
- the man, Bob Heironimus that wore the suit.
- Philip Morris, the man that sold the suit to Patterson.
- The author Greg Long, who through his book "The Making of Bigfoot"
had the Gut's to expose the Hoax for what is was and present the truth about all of them!
- The author Michael Greene who wrote the book "Sasquatch for sale" that describes the "Real Players" in the industry who continue to exploit this film, and those who want to be researchers, plus the Flakes and Jerks!
- Leroy Blevins,the man who deciphered and researched the Patterson
footage and exploited the hoax will also give his verdict of the Patterson Footage!
We will investigate and exploit in depth all the people involved in
perpetrating the HOAX OF THE CENTURY. Listen to the live radio show
May 4th, 2016 from 7pm to 9PM Pacific Time for an unforgettable
experience in Bigfoot history.
Source: Bigfoot Project Investments Inc.
Tags: Bigfoot, Gimlen, Hoax, Patterson, Tom Biscardi