Bike Attack - Electric Bikes Finally Catching On As Alternative Urban Transportation In The US

In the article, "Electric Bikes - A Wonderful Alternative Transportation for Urban Commuting" Bike Attack discusses why electric bikes are catching on in cities like Portland, Oregon and New York and why the US is so far behind Europe in this t

Bike Attack has recently written about electric bikes becoming a more accepted mode of transportation in cities here in the US. Petra Monsalud at Bike Attack states that, "many here in the US still view electric bikes as the 'red-headed stepchild' of traditional bikes". The truth is that electric bicycles are a great way to commute and modern ebikes have moved well past the stigma associated with older electric bicycles.

In the article, " Electric Bikes - A Wonderful Alternative Transportation for Urban Commuting " Bike Attack indicates that people from California to New York are getting on-board with electric bikes as an alternative to taking cars or public transportation. Electric bikes even provide an alternative to traditional bikes for people who don't like to get all sweaty on their way to work but still want the biking alternative. Electric bikes of today seem to be the perfect blend of exercise and functionality when it comes to commuting.

Petra, originally from Germany, writes about how in many parts of Europe (such as Switzerland and Germany) almost every third household owns an electric bike. She indicates that this trend is expected to hit the United States within the next few years, but cities like Portland, Oregon and New York are leading the way.

In urban areas there is a distinct advantage to using an electric bike as a mode of transportation. Unlike a car or motorcycle, people do not need a license or registration to operate one and with speeds up to 20 miles per hour people can make pretty good time in cities and seldom have the parking issues.

Bike Attack's Blog article answers some of the most common questions about electric bicycles such as: how many miles can one go on a single charge? How long does it take to charge? Does pedaling affect how long the charge will last? And, what's the difference between pedal assist and throttle ebikes?

Bike Attack doesn't hide the fact that electric bikes are not cheap, but they are in the same price range as any quality road or mountain bike. Electric bikes typically start at $1,800 and go up to $4,000 but when compared to the cost of a gas vehicle, the overall cost is pretty insignificant for a mode of transport and even less when adding the cost of gas.

Like any product, there are many electric bike brands out there and not all of them are equally good. Bike Attack recommends going to a local bike shop to understand the different warranty and quality differences as well as a test ride. Petra says, "that a good indication of quality is, for example, if the bike has received a European Eurobike award."

To read Bike Attack's full article about electric bikes and to find out what the answers to many common questions about electric bikes are visit their blog at:


Tags: alternative transportation, city transportation, commuter bikes, commuting, electric bike brands, electric bikes, urban transportation

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