Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Jeff Bezos, Larry Page, Tej Kohli, Mark Zuckenberg and Brad Smith: Leaders In Internet Technology
Online, July 22, 2013 ( - [url:http://]The Personal Computer Revolution
As historians expound on the amazing advances in Internet technology and personal computing, the bold faced names include Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Larry Page, Tej Kohli, Mark Zuckerberg, Jeff Bezos and Brad Smith; all self-made billionaires, role models. mentors and compassionate philanthropists. Each, in their own unique way, employed their stellar intellect, superior programming skills, brilliant business acumen and aggressive marketing tactics to create critical software and Internet dependent products and services that empower the world-wide web.
Since the beginning of the personal computer revolution, computers have touched virtually every aspect of daily life. These innovative IT entrepreneurs have contributed beyond measure to making the world a smaller place: communication easier. The speed at which the avalanche of technological advancements impacts lives is quite remarkable. From statistical accounting programs to fun focused video games, computers are both tool and toy.
How we conduct our daily lives has certainly changed. Because of progress in Internet technology and the proliferation of new and innovative software programs, users can access knowledge at the tip of their finger tips, sell or shop online with safe and secure credit card processing, bank and pay bills online or communicate with friends and family world-wide. Today we take for granted the complex technology that facilitates the usability, price and portability of laptops, mobile phones, I-Pads, tablets and Goggle glasses.
Exert: Throughout his career, Tej Kohli has worked on finding solutions to problems that businesses face. In particular, through his company Grafix Softech, he has built business-to-business e-commerce platforms that help strengthen payment gateways and credit card interfaces for interactive software.
Tags: Bill Gates, Internet technology leaders, Steve Jobs, Tej Kohli