Bindlegrim Book Tells Tall Tales of American Kitsch and Horror

Holiday author Bindlegrim aka Robert Aaron Wiley thrills with third book (offering elements of horror, humor, and adventure) in new collection of six tall tales of innocent yesteryear and bewitched creatures.

Robert Aaron Wiley (creator of the fictional Mr. Bumble Bindlegrim) has released a new book of short stories and poetry "On Stranger Winds: Tall Tales for Shorter Days". The author's third book collects writings from the past two years, and expands a growing body of work concerning all things holiday that include limited edition postcards, books, commissioned works, and art-objects.

The haunted worlds found within the pages of "On Stranger Winds" will be a welcome addition to those accustomed to Bindlegrim's frequent nods to holidays of yesteryear - (vintage collectors may even recognize scenes inspired directly from vintage postcards). As well, the writing will reach a larger audience of young and old alike who enjoy horror and fantasy adventure genres at any time of the year.

In the book's Foreword, Daniel Boyer writes, "Either by fireplace in winter, or poolside in summer, you will be transported to a world where trees are decorated in gold and orange, and where darkness reigns supreme. There is happiness and humor to be found in such corners, but by all means proceed with caution. Bindlegrim has October's heart beating in his chest."

"On Stranger Winds: Tall Tales for Shorter Days" is currently available from U.S. ( as quality paperback, 138 pages, at $7.95. And is also available in Europe including Amazon UK ( Cover art is by David Irvine (The Gnarled Branch) and Foreword by Daniel Boyer of Critical Corner. A digital release is expected in early 2013.

About Bindlegrim (aka Robert Aaron Wiley) - The author cites examples like the mysterious kudzu-covered landscapes of an abandoned South as primary influences during youthful studies in fine art; a search for wonder that led him to relocate to Albuquerque and to Seattle, each for their rich support of cultural and artistic diversity. Pursuing fine art media and classical world music, the artist discovered a happy balance through the creation of recent alter ego Bindlegrim - outlet for more whimsical explorations of seasonal holidays and their mix of curious imagery with inventive design.

For more information about "On Stranger Winds: Tall Tales for Shorter Days", please visit or contact Bindlegrim Press at [email protected].


Tags: adventure, Fantasy, horror

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