Bio-fuel That's Truly Green...

amazing!! that's all that can be said...these next generations of fuels need to be more like this!

As we emerge into the 21st century, one thing has become brutally clear: for all the advancements and wonders of mankind, we still haven't figured out the only thing that truly matters- how to sustain. We've invented myriads of fascinating and high-tech miracles, but in the end, we haven't figured out what to do when the punchbowl runs dry...and it will.

Alternative energy is going to be the most important technology of tomorrow. More so than medical or industrial, artistic or educational. In this age of digital domination, if we are without power (and fuel to create it) we are nothing- just another version of cavemen, huddled in the dark, terrified of what the night holds.

This brings us to the point at hand- Hemp. Hemp is one of the most diverse, efficient, and industrially useful plants ever discovered. Period. It can create renewable, clean burning, green friendly fuel which can power millions of homes and vehicles across the country. Everyone from baby boomers to generation y and beyond will be affected by the growing demand for fuels. The fact of the matter is that Hemp was banned for economic reasons in the 1930's, by a campaign which was funded by the Dupont' and the Hearst' camps. Two extremely influential and powerful entities, that still make vast profits with synthetic products that could naturally be produced with Hemp. Isn't it time we started to treat our commercial legislation with the respect it deserves? Isn't it time our policy makers stopped catering to mega companies and the money they 'donate' to political campaigns? The answers are out there, the technology is here...When will we decide it's time to put an end to antiquated policy and emerge as a global leader in green fuels... With Hemp!


Tags: biofuel, Fuel, hemp

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