Bishop Eddie Long Sex Scandal - Preacher Bureau Of Investigations (PBI) New Website Will Hold Preachers, And Pastors Accountable

The Preacher Bureau of Investigations will allow members to report out of control Pastors and make the church community aware of their behavior. The site allows members to anonymously post their comments which prevent retaliation by Pastors reported

A new website was launched yesterday and plans to hold preachers accountable as part of their mission statement. The Preacher Bureau of Investigations (PBI) located at will allow church members to report a Pastor, Preacher, or Priest for unacceptable behavior.

With all of the recent reports of preacher sex scandals and the wealth accumulated by Prosperity Preachers, more and more church members are becoming frustrated with the state of the current church. Due to a barrage of negative publicity coming from the pulpit, many church goers are opting to avoid church all together.

Taironu Davis says, "The rich Preacher thing has gotten out of control. You now have multi millionaire preachers who accumulated all of their wealth from tithes donated to the church by faithful believers. I believe that a Mega Church should give away Mega money in the form of cash directly to needy people within the community, instead of the Pastor buying luxury cars and expensive jewelry."

The Preacher Bureau of Investigations will allow members to report out of control Pastors and make the church community aware of their behavior. The site allows members to anonymously post their comments which prevent retaliation by Pastors reported to the site. The Pastor Bureau of Investigation is a free site that serves as an advocate for exploited church members.

If you would like to visit the site or report a Pastor that you feel is taking advantage of the congregation, please visit The Preacher Bureau of Investigation at:
Please send request for interviews to [email protected]


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Press Contact, The Preacher Bureau of Investigations
The Preacher Bureau of Investigations
215 Rap
New Orleans, LA 70117